4 (pt.1)

978 80 19

It was the next morning: the birds were chirping, the sun was smiling, the sky was clear. Taraji was the first one up. Before she could do anything for herself, she went to check on Fantasia who slept on the couch. She laid there, peaceful, as the sunlight caught her face so perfectly. All Taraji could do was smile; This morning was worth it and it set her in a good mood.

Taraji, for the first time, found a channel on youtube to guide her through meditation and yoga. She had every intention of having an easy morning with Fantasia.

Exhaling... Inhaling... She felt the tenderness of her bones. She also noticed how badly her bones needed to be stretched. " Damn, that hurt." She continued to press towards her limits.

She almost completed the entire session, until she heard knocking on her front door. She moved with urgency, because she didn't want the noise to wake up Fantasia.

" Hey, girl!" Semaj stood at the door with his work uniform from the night prior.

Taraji stood back confused by him being at her home. " How do you know where I live?"

" Well, you left your I.D. on the table when you left the parlor last night. There's only eight apartments in this entire building so I knocked on every door until I landed here." He shimmied his shoulders with pride for his accomplishment. 

Taraji's confusion turned into appreciation. " Oh my god, thank you! I didn't realize I had lost it. I got back-"

Semaj peeked around the corner seeing Fantasia on the couch and gave Taraji a knowing look. " I know about them nights." He raised his eyebrows. " As long as yall had a good time. Imma leave because I need to be getting home. Hope to see y'all again! Y'all were some of my favorite customers." He took off

Taraji, still stuck on his comments, closed the door gently, being mindful of the fact Fantasia was still sleeping.

She headed towards the kitchen to see what she could fix for breakfast.  "I need to go grocery shopping." She looked unimpressed by her options.

In the freezer there were some short ribs that had been sitting there for a while. "I should probably cook these before they go bad." She pulled those out. Taraji scanned around the kitchen until she came up with an idea for breakfast. She allowed the meat some time to unthaw.

Once the meat was finished unthawing, she  gathered her seasonings, onions, sauces, cheeses, bread and got to work.

The smell of the food woke Fantasia up.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head!" Taraji called out. "I thought you was gonna sleep your life away."

Fantasia took her time before completely getting up. She felt fine but she needed some water. "What time is it?" She yawned looking out to the patio.

Taraji looked over at the oven for the time. "Girl it's almost 3pm "

"3PM?!" Fantasia repeated. "I haven't slept that long in years."  She rubbed her eyes. " I can't believe I had all those drinks last night. I did have a good time though."

Taraji giggled really hard while remembering some of what occurred. " You were in your own little world too. Had an entire concert and everything . "

Taraji finished up the food and started to make their plates. She laid everything out neatly and added a small cup of fresh fruit to the dish. "Come eat something, so last night won't catch up to you."

"What you make?" Fantasia glided over  to the kitchen bar. "Is that grilled cheese?" She looked closer

"It's not just any 'ole grilled cheese,honey, it's a short rib grilled cheese. Guaranteed to fill you up . You'll love it, trust me." Taraji sat her plate in front of her.

The silence spoke for the quality of the food. Their mouths were stuffed.

"This is so good! I would've never thought of making this. I need that recipe before I leave." Food dripped from the corners of Fantasia's mouth.

"You're feeding around your mouth more than anything." Taraji wiped the food from Fantasias mouth

They looked at each other for a moment, after that, their eyes did all of the speaking. Eyes full of desire, care, and trust. How do two people click so quickly? It must have been destined. By this point both of the women felt that this connection was crossing that line of friendship. There were some feelings they had never felt before. No one had made them feel the way they'd made one another feel.

"Can- Can I say something?" Taraji spoke up; Her heart pounding loudly. She was about to do something that was unnatural to her. She was about to speak up for something that she wanted. Speak up about how she felt. " I don't know if you even feel the same way, because I could be overthinking this whole thing. It's been a short time since we've known each other but-" She inhaled deeply, gathering control of the chaos of emotions she began to feel. " I feel something for you that is deeper than friendship. It's completely okay if you don't feel the same way, I can understand that. I'm kinda surprised I'm even saying this because I've never really looked at a woman in this way before. I've spent a few of my nights in deep thought over what exactly I was feeling for you. Trying to water down those feelings because they were strong. So, to be straightforward with you, I have deep feelings for you. I like you, and not as a friend but something more."

Taraji's words spilled out, but everything she said came with intentions. She searched around for the appropriate words so she would say her truth without making Fantasia feel uncomfortable.

There were tears forming in Fantasia's eyes. She stared ahead, not looking in Taraji's direction . She processed her words. " I must be dreaming. I thought this was a moment I'd never have." She wiped some of the tears from her eyes as they fell. " I've wrestled with my feelings for you. One, because I haven't been surrounded by people who share the same lifestyle as me out loud, or at all. Two, because I always felt so wrong about it. You make me feel different. I share the same feelings you have for me, for you."

The sparkle that filled their eyes was almost brighter than the entire Milky Way . They couldn't contain the joy they felt, and they shouldn't have to. This moment felt surreal for the both of them. It seemed the colors of life, immediately, became more vibrant and saturated. They were in complete disbelief of the realness of the moment.

"Can I kiss you?"  Fantasia asked

Taraji looked Fantasia up and down alluringly. " Of course you can, baby. I thought you'd never ask ."

Their lips connected like matched puzzle pieces.

"Kiss me again." Taraji commanded

That first kiss made it impossible to end it abruptly. They went in for more. Taraji cupped Fantasia's chin. Fantasia maintained her gentle clutch on Taraji's bottom lip, while she looked into her eyes.

"Come with me." Taraji took Fantasia by the hand


This just something sweet for the kids 🤭

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