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DISCLAIMER: there's a steamy scene in this chapter, towards the very end, just a heads up!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing the words, "I'm sorry" sent chills down Fantasia's back. This was foreign to her. Throughout life, she rolled with the punches and never sought out apologies from anyone.

" Those years you were gone I had to sit with myself and think about all the things I did wrong, as your grandmother. I tried to get to the root of it all. I was just like you when I was younger. Shit, I still am like you now. I just think my ship has sailed."

Fantasia tried to figure out what her grandmother was getting at. " What do you mean, grandmommy?"

Grandmama played with the patterns on her dress, focusing on something other than the heavy emotions she started to feel. " There was a girl at my church. Her name was Athena. I thought she was beautiful, lord, I had seen no one like her. We finally became friends, and we would hang out all the time during church and even days we didn't have church. She had this really short, curly hair, hazel eyes, and a big, beautiful smile. I only had eyes for her." She looked up at the tree with this great big smile across her face, reliving each moment she described. The smile began to fade. " My mother caught us kissing in my room one day and tore a new hole in my ass. I guess that wasn't enough for her because she took me to the church and told the entire congregation and Athena's parents. That was the last day I ever saw Athena. From then on out, she made sure I only had eyes for the boys. She encouraged me to go out with each chance she got. I guess she rathered me to be the whore on the block than to bump pocketbooks." She laughed off her comment. " I eventually ran into your granddad, got married, had your momma and uncles. I was extremely unhappy. I wasn't even happy to be a mother because I knew I wasn't doing any of it for me." She cleared her throat and hummed a tune.

Fantasia was moved by the story, but also deeply saddened by the reality of her grandmother's life. "Grandmommy, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I never could even guess it."

" Yea, I tried to protect you from experiencing the same thing I went through, but instead I allowed your momma to treat you like shit. That wasn't my intention and I could've done better. For that I apologize so deeply, because I have so much love for you. It kept me up at night thinking about how I failed you. I failed Yvette, your momma, too. She's not as open to receiving my apology as you are so I have to keep working on her. She's so closed off and I just pray that time doesn't come in between me getting the chance to make things right with her."

" Me and you both." Fantasia agreed. " I appreciate you so much! You don't understand how much relief I feel from this moment. I was really hurt and I felt so isolated by y'all, that's why I left because I thought maybe that's what y'all wanted."

Grandmama pulled Fantasia into her arms. " Awe, baby, I never wanted you to leave. I was happy when you did though because that meant you were stronger than I ever was. I knew you were going to make it."

Taraji watched it all play out. She was overwhelmed with emotions. She sat quietly because she knew this moment was not hers. She gave Fantasia and Grandmama the space they needed. Taraji knew she was there to support Fantasia.

Grandmama let the moment shimmer for some time. Then she got right down to business. " So, y'all just going to church together? Nothing more?" She dug for answers from the two women.

Fantasia and Taraji looked at one another and couldn't control the laughter that followed. " We feeling things out." Fantasia stepped up.

" Don't spend too much time figuring it out! Y'all accompany each other perfectly. I knew it as soon as you walked in. I don't know anybody else that just brings their church friend on the road with them just for the fun of it."  She pulled a brush out of her dress pocket and started brushing her hair back. " Y'all know tonight the kids football team is doing some fireworks. I guess they won all their games so they wanna celebrate with everybody. Y'all should sit out here with me. Have a few drinks."

Fantasia looked at her grandma sideways. " Have a few drinks? Grandmama you be drinking?"

Grandmama laughed. " Baby, I'm at an age where I do what I wanna do!"

Taraji leaned across Fantasia, high-fiving grandmama. " I know that's right! I wanna be like you!"

Taraji and grandmama clicked. They hadn't said much to each other or even known each other for that long, but they had kindred spirits in many ways.

" Go in there and get the drinks, cups, plates, and the peach cobbler. They should be starting up these fireworks soon enough."  Grandmama directed Taraji and Fantasia. They did as they were told

The three of them sat outside, took several tequila shots, and ate half of the whole pan of peach cobbler up. They laughed with one another, embraced one another, and encouraged one another. Grandmama even showed them some of her dance moves she did back in her day. The company they held between one another was genuine, and it was something so therapeutic about having the opportunity to bond with grandmama. Not many people got the chance to do something like this. Taraji and Fantasia, both, shared gratitude for this moment. Eventually, Fantasia's dad came out and joined them.

" John, now you know Yvette would have a fit if she knew you was still smoking." Grandmama called him out.

" Good thing I'm out here with y'all, unless yall gonna snitch on me." He laughed. They laughed

John and grandmama got to talking like they haven't seen each other in a while. They went on and on, and eventually, Taraji and Fantasia were no longer a part of the conversation.

Fantasia and Taraji started to eye each other, with strong desire. Maybe it was the alcohol that warmed them up in this way. There was no doubt that things between the two of them were becoming heated. 

Taraji caressed Fantasia's thigh, gently but very sensually. " Come with me." She whispered into Fantasia's ear and took her by the hand. Grandmama saw them leaving and had already figured how their night would end. John was oblivious and extremely focused on the fireworks.

Taraji opened the screen gate and they ended up running into Fantasia's momma. They didn't really pay her any mind. It was like she wasn't even there. She headed out and they were heading in.

Taraji pulled Fantasia into the bathroom and slammed the door. Their lips connected, they were devouring one another. Their lips were locked, they never parted.

Fantasia guided Taraji over towards the sink, as she sat on top of it. Taraji kisses landed all down Fantasia's neck. Electricity was their blood and it was flowing in abundance. Fantasia's fingers latched on to the back of Taraji's head, while their bodies grinded against each other.

They had the desire to please and to be pleased.

" Ssshh, they might hear us." Taraji covered Fantasia's mouth in hopes that would control her volume.

Fantasia's hands became fixed on Taraji's breast. She rubbed them slowly, soon turning into soft pinches on her nipples. They stopped kissing for a moment and stared into one another's eyes.

" Do you love me?" Fantasia whispered in a soft, airy voice. Her eyes fixed on Taraji's, not blinking once.

" I love you, baby." Taraji words barely escaped her lips, as the sensation from Fantasia's touch drove her over the edge.

" How much do you love me?" Fantasia pulled Taraji closer to her and started kissing her again, slowly. " Show me how much you love me?" She commanded

Taraji's hands inched down inside of Fantasia's pants. It was warm inside.

" You feel that love?" Taraji planted another kiss on Fantasia's neck.

One body longing for the others. Their breath became shallow, together. Love drips from inside leaving its mark on the outside. Their grips became tighter. She loses her breath. Love sounds louder... and louder... They felt the earth move because they worked together.

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