4 (pt. 2)

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There they were, hand in hand, walking towards Taraji's room. Fantasia finally saw that heaven was a place on earth. It was in their hearts. It was in the love that they shared for one another. It was in this moment.

Taraji's room was super warm, it wasn't an uncomfortable type of warmth, it was the right amount to make you feel at ease. It was spacious and fashionable. There was a light pink high heel chair that sat next to her window. A leaf-shaped ceiling light right above her bed.

No lights were on, the sun did all of the work.

Taraji gently pushed Fantasia onto her bed and continued to kiss her. Her lips, soft and plump, caressed every portion of Fantasia's body up until her waist.

" I think we should take this little party to the shower." Taraji whispered. Her sarcasm was often her charm.

" I was just about to say..." Fantasia chuckled

"Here." Taraji tossed Fantasia her towels. " We might as well shower together. If you're comfortable with that."

" I'm good with that."

Their shower was steamy, from the hot water. It took about thirty minutes for them to finish. Seeing each other naked was sacred in their eyes. It was sharing a new side of vulnerability and allowing the other in, before she really came in. Their bodies were unique, of course , and the beauty was apparent through every curve, scar, birthmark, or any other things deemed not beautiful by society. They saw the unique beauty within and outside each other.

" I see you like hot showers like me." Fantasia dried herself off

"That's the only way I feel clean. Shower gotta be hot as hell." Taraji cleaned off the mirror so they would be able to see themselves. " There's extra tooth brushes in that drawer over to your far right. You can have anyone you like."

You could see them eyeing one another through the mirror like school kids having their first crush.

" Why you looking at me?" Taraji rolled her eyes playfully. Those butterflies started to float in the bottom of her stomach. She couldn't contain all the smiling she was doing.

" Cause you fine, girl!" Fantasia shouted

Fantasia leaned over towards Taraji and planted a kiss on her forehead. This really made Taraji giddy, and she dashed out of the bathroom squealing .

It was later in the day, right before the sun started to set. Taraji and Fantasia sat in the front room watching TV, silently.

"I got an idea." Taraji lifted her head off Fantasia's lap. " We should go on a road trip together." Taraji smiled like she had invented something the world had never seen.

" Okay, when? Most importantly, where?" Fantasia was interested

"Tonight!" Taraji sat up completely on the couch. " Let's just do it! Let's not plan anything and just go! And don't say nothing about church because we can find one wherever we end up."

Fantasia was surprised by the abruptness of this decision, but she was willing to do anything with Taraji and for her. "I'm down, but I need to run to my house so I can get some clothes."

" Girl, we can buy some clothes when we get there. You probably haven't been shopping for anything new in a while anyways. I'll do the driving until I get tired."

The spontaneous trip was underway, and they only left Taraji's home with their wallets, phones, keys, and an eagerness in the unknown. It was around six 'o'clock in the evening when they hit the road. A nice breezy night, who better to spend it with than the love of your life.

SUNDAY LOVERSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang