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It was a day after grandmama and the girls sunflower field trip. Love was high in the air, so it clouded out all of the negativity in the house. Fantasia had let her grandmama and dad know that her and Taraji would be heading back home today.

A feeling lingered inside her. It was an emptiness from her mother not saying anything to her for an entire four days. She expected it, but carried some hope deep down that this time something would be different, and nothing appeared to have changed.

"Tasia!" John called out. "We're gonna be late, come on, sweetie." Fantasia's mom had just left out to work a few moments before. Fantasia's dad wanted to spend a few moments with his baby girl before she was gone again. " You look beautiful, Tasia!" John stated so genuinely even though all she wore was a navy blue tracksuit. Still, it made Fantasia happy on the inside.

"Thank you, daddy." She smiled girlishly

Taraji day was to be spent with grandmama shopping and gossiping their hearts away. Their spirits were kind of similar so they clicked easily from the jump.

The house was empty.

Fantasia and her dad arrived at a BBQ restaurant. It was called "Uncle Ricks" Her father made sure he got out of the car, before Fantasia could, and opened her door for her. He may not have done everything right, but he believed in chivalry.

" I think I'll have me some ribs today." Fantasia told her father. He slid the chair out for her to sit.

" You can have whatever you like, dear"

For a while, the two of them sat at the table and didn't say a word to one another. Both of them couldn't really find the words to maintain a conversation. They just communicated at a surface level.

John finally started speaking

" It seems like you're really happy these days. Taraji must really be the one."

Fantasia smiled just from hearing Taraji's name. " Yea, daddy, I know she is the one. She's really been helping me, in so many ways, this past month."

John took Fantasia by the hand. "I'm proud of you and I'm happy for you."

He meant every word. Hearing her father saying those things to her meant the world. This conversation started to create space for deeper dialogue.

"Daddy, for a while I thought that you didn't like me either. You didn't say much to me like mom, but that made me feel like you didn't care about me enough to stick up for me."

John let her words swing in the air before responding. It seemed like he was playing back every moment where he failed at being a proper father.

"I've always loved you, Tasia, I've always been so proud of you." He spoke like he was trying to convince himself that his words were true.

" Then why didn't you protect me from my mother? Why didn't you put your foot down and stand up to her?" These questions struck a nerve in John. He wondered the same thing, and had been experiencing so much regret because of the things he had not done as a parent.

"Honey, I don't know, I was unhappy with myself. I was unhappy in my marriage. I felt stuck, and because of that I lost my voice. Your mother is holding on to a lot of pain, and that has made her bitter." He took a sip of water from his glass. " I brought you out here today because I wanted to spend some time with you, just you and I, but I also wanted to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce. The papers should be in the mail anytime now."

Fantasia could barely process her fathers statement. She thought that her parents would always be together, even if they were unhappy, because that is what the church had taught them. She also was proud of her dad. She was proud of him for leaving a situation that was draining him and making him unhappy. Even if it was her mother.

" Well, dad, I'm proud of you for taking this step. It takes a lot of courage to do something like this." Fantasia held her dads hand even tighter.

" Fantasia, I want to ask you for your forgiveness. I'm extremely sorry for not protecting you, for not supporting you, for not sowing into you, and being the parent you needed when your mother was lacking. I was in the house but I still was not present in your life. If I could just be half of the person you are, I feel like my world would be a better place. You are beautiful, talented, vulnerable, and have such a kind soul. I just want to build our relationship and be there for you every step of the way from here on out."

The tears started to flow down John's face.

"Awe, daddy, don't cry. You gone make me cry." Fantasia wiped the tears from her fathers cheeks

"You don't know how much it means to me that we had this moment. I literally made my life so much better. Just knowing that my dad cares about me and supports me is enough for me. Yes, I forgive you and I'm so excited to build our relationship even more. Now, let me get a hug!"

Fantasia got up and walked over to the seat next to her dad. They hugged each other, and neither one of them wanted to let go.

A few moments later...

Fantasia sat on the edge of the bed, as Taraji continued to load up the car so they could hit the road. She pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. She started to write.

Dear mom,

I wish we had a chance to sit and talk to one another, but timing is everything and I'm really patient because I want things to come together naturally. I never want to force anything. I want you to know that I do have love for you, and I want us to be close because daughters need their mothers and vice versa. I hope everyday you get closer to peace within yourself and you heal. I wish you well. Hope to see you soon!


Your babygirl

Fantasia folded the paper into a tiny square. She walked out in the hall and slid the note under the door of her parents room.

" You ready, lovebug?" Taraji asked. " Everythings in the car now."

Fantasia stared down at the door for a moment. " Yes, I'm ready."

Taraji took her by the hand and they made their way towards the door. Grandmama was sitting on the chair right next to the door.

" Don't y'all leave without giving me some sugar!" She held her arms out for them to give her hugs

"Y'all be safe out there! Let me know when you get back."

"Yes ma'am, we will!"

YALL SHOULD CHECK OUT MY SHORT STORY AFTER THIS ☺️ ITS TARAJIxJANELLE MONAE. Based in the 70's. It'll only be 5 chapters. It's called Suga & Spice. The link is below


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