Worried - Wonder Woman

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Diana x fem!daughter reader

Warnings: anxiety?

Word count: 313

Requested: Hey can you do a Diana Prince with daughter who has ADHD and/or Anxiety? Thank you - @Anon

Authors Note: I could've wrote the anxiety more detailed but I have bad anxiety I have all my life, and its recently gotten better so I didn't want to bring anything up inside myself since its just started to lessen. Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Hey" Diaina spoke knocking on her daughter's bedroom door. Once she looked up Diana continued. "Is everything okay?"

"Hmmm hmm" Y/n hummed

"You've been in here all night. Dinner is almost ready." Diana told her trying to get anything out of her daughter. But all y/n did was nod in acknowledgment as she bounced her leg and tapped her pencil on her leg.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Diana asked entering the room fully and going to sit on the bed, across from Y/n.

"Are they gonna like me?" Y/n asked not looking her mom in the eyes. Ever since the idea of meeting her mothers superhero friends/coworkers her anxiety had been at an all time high. She felt jittery, crying out of the blue and being frustrated about that. There were more but she didn't want to think about it all again.

Diana's features softened understanding now. So she scooted closer, lifting Y/n's chin up. "They're gonna love you."

"But how do you know that?" Y/n countered looking into her mom's eyes.

"Because they're my friends, and they really want to meet my darling daughter." Diana stated softly as she ran her hand through Y/n's hair affectionately.

"But why? Why do they want to meet me?" This question had been running through her head for the past week. She wasn't anything special, why would they even care about her?

"Because they know how much I love and care about you. They want to meet the love of my life. My own princess." Y/n is Diana's world and her friends knew that.

"But what if they don't like me?" As comforting as her mom's reassurance was, she needed more.

"They're gonna love you." Diana reasoned, pulling her into a tight hug.

"You promise?" y/n hugged her back just as tight, enjoying the embrace.

"I promise."

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