Powers & Lost Daughters - Wonder Woman

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Diana x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 915

Requested: Could you do a wonder woman x daughter reader where the reader didn't know her mother was wonder woman and when she finds out her own powers activate. (kind a like the pilot episode of superman and lois) - ​

Authors Note: I haven't seen much of the show yet but I have seen some episodes and I really liked Tyler Hoechlin as Derek Hale in Teen Wolf. Thank you for requesting hope its what you wanted or at least close. Thank You for requesting!

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Y/n apologized for having run into someone causing them to drop all their belongings. It had been a hectic day and the coffee shop was buzzing with activity.y/n should've been looking where she was going but she had just almost tripped. So her focus wasn't on paying attention to who was in front of her and now she felt really bad.

"Its alright." The woman smiled waving it off, as she bended down to help pick up her folders and books. Y/n noticed the woman in front of her studying her with her eyes before she asked. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

Y/n laughed at her question. She's gotten it so often that its just funny to her now. "I graduated early, I'm just here to work on a paper for one of my courses." Y/n pointed around them. "Free wifi."

The dark haired woman laughed along with her but she looked a mix of concerned and confused as well. "You seem young for that?"

"Yeah, well- life. It was nice meeting you." Y/n shrugged her shoulders handing the lady's stuff back to her as they both stood up.

"Diana" the woman smiled, giving her name.

"Y/n" Y/n gave her name as well with a smile. They shook hands after introducing themselves. "Sorry again. About-"

"Its ok." Diana smiled, waving it off again, seeming to not be bothered by the accident at all.

Y/n nodded before waving goodbye and leaving the coffee shop.

What Y/n didn't notice was that when she split her stuff as well that her student ID had been stocking out of her wallet and Diana had seen it. Having her last name and school would definitely help.

"Bruce. I need you to find out some things on someone for me." Diana called Bruce. There was something about this girl that she felt something she couldn't describe.

^ ^ ^

"Oh, hey. Diana, right?" Y/n smiled as she noticed the tall dark haired woman. Y/n was shocked to see her again, but this is a big city wide event.

"Yes. Hello, how are you Y/n?" Diana smiled at the young Y/h/c-ed girl.

"I'm good." Y/n nodded smiling back.

The two talked for a few minutes before saying their goodbyes. Y/n walked over to her friends seeing the shocked and surprised looks on their faces.

"Do you know who that is?!" once of her friends asked her in complete disbelief.

Y/n looked back towards where she saw Diana head towards and then back to her friends. "Diana?" she quirked a brow in confusion.

Her friends nodded there heads. "Yeah."

"What about her?" Y/n asked confused.

"She looks exactly like Wonder Woman!" another friend exclaimed.

Y/n stood there in thought but by the look on her face they knew she had never put it together.

They all decided to drop the topic for the night and just enjoy the events festivities.

But for the next week or so y/n couldn't stop thinking about what her friends pointed out. Diana did have a remarkable resemblance to Wonder Woman.

Y/n noticed the more she learned the more some weird stuff started happening. Random things, she was becoming stronger and not the kind of strength you get by going to the gym. Her hearing was crazy now, and so much more started to happen. And to be honest it was really starting to scare her. Everything happening Y/n was starting to feel like she might be becoming a metahuman. The kind that happened after the Star Labs explosion. But Y/n wasn't around anything like that so she didn't know why those things were happening to her. An she was getting scared.

Diana had noticed as well. Since the first time they met, she felt that there was some kind of connection between her and the young woman. Finding out why she felt that connection ever since she has been keeping an eye on her. For months but she noticed something had changed. Diana had a pretty good idea of what was happening. She just hated that she could see the distress it was causing her.

Diana had seen how Y/n's powers were coming in, with the combined stress, it was time for her to step in.

"y/n." Diana said as she approached the scared girl on the empty street.

"Wha- what's happening to me?" Y/n asked, turning to face the older woman. The longer Y/n looked at her face the younger girl realized what the look was. "You know d-don't you? What's happening to me? What's been happening to me?"

Diana nodded softly. "I do." she stated looking at her with sympathy.

Y/n shook her head in confusion. "Wha-?"

Diana gave a soft smile. "Why don't you come with me and I can explain." Diana said, hoping she'll come with her and let her explain.

Y/n started at Diana for a while thinking about everything. Thinking about everything that's been happening to her and how Diana seems to know why and how to help her. "O-ok."

Y/n hopped her feeling in her gut that going with Diana is the right decision. Maybe this could be the start of something new, maybe a person to consider a friend, maybe even family. The last one being Diana's big hope, as for the outcome of this situation.

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