A-Z NSFW Savitar!Barry

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A = Aftercare

He makes sure your ok but nothing else really

B = Bodypart

He loves your face, rubbing your cheeks and kissing it all over. He favors his torso, he can be insecure

C = Cum

Savitar doesn't like to do it on your face, he does love to do it on your stomach

D = Dirty secret

Savitar would love for you to ride his face but he's afraid you'll a pose because of the scar

E = Experience

Not Much being a time remnant, same as Barry in a way but he is good at it ;)

F = Favorite Position

Definitely, you riding him with his head in the crook of your neck

G = Goofy

Getting to the heated part can be filled with laughter

H = Hair

Not much down there

Loves when you grab it

I = Intimacy

It is usually very inmate

J = Jackoff

When there is no time for even a quickie he will

K = Kink

Depends on the mood

L = Location

Home, Wharehouse, Star Labs

M = Motivation

The way you treat him

N = No

He won't do anything your not comfortable with, you won't do anything he not comfortable

O = Oral

He loves when you give him head likes to keep you there a little longer. He isn't as good at oral as he is at the actual thing

P = Pace

Medium/ Inbetween

Q = Quickie

Quickies are usually what you have to do because there's not much time you guys have

R = Risk

If he gets really mad and takes his anger on you He sometimes chokes you

S = Stamina

He can go for a while

T = Toy

Not really a toy but he uses his speed a lot

U = Unfair

How often he uses his speed

V = Volume

He isn't to loud

W = Wildcard

X = X-Ray

Not bad ;)

Y = Yearning

About a 4 out of 10

Z = Zzz

You both fall asleep around the same time

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