Gabs gives me the biggest hug solely because she knows I hate them, "bye gay fuck! Love yuh to bits." as she gets in the car Jason rolls down the window. "Thanks for taking care of her, I'll probably have her back to you next weekend." he laughs. "You know what keep her for the foreseeable future." I joke. She sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry at me as they drive off.

I stand there debating what to do next, my car is only 20 feet away, I could just get in there; go home and spend the rest of the evening watching shows with Baloo, or I could take a risk and go to the back gate.

My head is spinning like crazy. I start walking and every step I take is one away from the car, so many things going through my mind. 

what could go wrong

i'll just wait there for 5 minutes and if nothing happens i'll go home

where even is the back gate??

As I get closer to the back gate (which was actually quite easy to find it is literally just a gate in the back) my mind races more;

 why the fuck am I doing this

The back gate is extremely sketchy: no lights just a little gate with a door behind it. I turn around thinking I'm going to leave as this shit is too sketchy for me when I feel a tap on my shoulder, spinning around half terrified half excited I see Renee standing in front of me looking a little pissed off. "It's been almost an hour, i'm going have to actually charge you for making me wait" she stated as she grabbed my arm and dragged me through the gates and in the door.

The main lights are off and the only lights left on in the building are the emergency lights, Renee had changed out of what she was wearing at the concert and was now in a grey baggy shirt and beige cargos. "Creepy, this how you kill me?" I laugh and she covers my mouth with her hand, "Shh were not supposed to be here right now, cleaners are still here. Come on." she says finally releasing her hand from my mouth and walking ahead of me and through another random door.

Following her we end up in a bigger room that has only the exit sign on the door lit up, then through another random door leading to a smaller hallway then to another door that leads to a staircase "hurry up" she whispers I pick up the pace and as we reach the top of the stairs she opens the door which opens to the roof. A gush of cold air hits me in the face.

She leads me to the edge of the building and sits down with her legs dangling off through the bars patting the space next to her. I sit down and swing my legs over the edge, the view of the city was just absolutely breath taking "Pretty right? It's my favorite part of doing concerts here. I come up here after every concert it just gives me a reset."

The city feels alive. Buildings are lit up and you can see people in the street partying it was just bustling and yet looking at it from all the way up here gave me a feeling of calm, it was just perfect. "It's beautiful to look at." after some silence she turns towards me folding her knee in a half crisscross. "So what's your deal?"

"Nothing, I don't really have a deal." She shakes her head "Everyone has a deal like why did you come to the concert tonight? Are you a fan?" I shrug and look down picking at my pants. "Honestly?" She nods "anything that's said on the roof stays on the roof." I stop picking and look up at her "I was drunk and booked the tickets. My friend is really into you even made little shirts" I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the shirt giving it to her. She holds in up and laughs, "Why the fuck weren't you wearing this?"

"Oh babes, you should have seen me on the way to the concert body glitter and everything." her mouth dropped open "I cant believe I missed that." she hands back the top and I shove it back in my jacket. "So what's your deal?"

"My deal?" she looks at me questioningly. "Your call today, seemed like you weren't having a great time. Not to be nosey but." she nods "oh yeah that... It was just my partner Alissa, I don't know heated conversation like people in relationships know."

I do know, only ever being in one relationship ever and all those conversations where heated  "Yeah of course."

We sit in silence for what seems like ages, and I see her start to rub her arms. Taking off my jacket I lean over and drape it on her shoulders "thanks" she said as she started to point down off the roof "I like to people watch off here, like look at that guys hat." I laugh the guy is wearing a lime green fedora that has what looks like to be a purple ribbon on it.

"Look at that lady walk in those heels, how many steps until she falls you think?" she grabs my arm "I bet you its ten." I scoff "no way i'd say four." she takes 9 steps and then falls over looking as if she had broken a whole ankle. "Wow looks like you won, what do I owe you?" I say smiling. She looks up at me and for some reason being with her and looking at her I feel like i've known her forever and in this moment I am just totally comfortable "to be determined." she smiled back.


Rooftop Romance // Renee RappTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang