1: Introducing Them

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Main Characters:

Charlotte (Main): she/her, 23, Generic nicknames are Char and Lottie

Reece: he/him, 28, later calls Charlotte baby/babe

Jackson: he/him, 26, later calls Charlotte Lottie, hun/honey

Ethan: he/him, 28, later calls Charlotte princess

Colton: he/him, 25, later calls Charlotte sweetheart

A/N: This chapter is gonna be very choppy and rough mainly just the description with a little more added detail before we jump into the middle of the story. This story is mainly for myself so it can get a bit ridiculous sometimes lol. The MC has a praise kink that get explored and some of these men are very toxic and I DO NOT condone their behavior. This is just fiction.

Charlotte's Main View

In desperate search for a place to stay Charlotte decided to go out of her comfort zone. So out of her comfort zone and so desperate that she finds herself in a house with four random men.

She has to admit that the house is huge– borderline a mansion and it's not like she would be sharing a room or a bathroom with any of the guys. And from meeting them briefly they didn't seem that bad.

After hearing how much rent was, it sealed the deal for her, no matter how awkward the roommate situation was, this place was a catch and she was gonna get it while she could. Rent was $500. $100 more dollars than she paid for her MacBook. $500 for her one room & bathroom, access to an in house washer and dryer, dishwasher,, and most of all POOL.

After moving in and living with the guys for three weeks Charlotte began to pick up on a few things. Reece was the oldest and quietest out of the roommates, she was 99% sure that he hated her by the way that he would look at her whenever she would enter the room. The next most serious was Ethan who was a doctor. In all reality Char didn't know how serious he was; she barely got to see him because he was always at work. What she did know was that he didn't have nearly as hard of an exterior as Reece.

Next up was Jackson, who was pretty great. He was currently the one she felt the most comfortable around as he actively wanted to participate in her hobbies. I.E would watch trashy reality tv with her. Lastly, was Colton who was the most flirtatious out of the bunch. It didn't seem like any of the other guys were interested in her. Colton though, Colton would make these comments but after a while of so many comments she realized not to take Colton's flirting seriously.

This night Charlotte was particularly stressed. She had a big law case that she needed to learn inside out and it was taking its toll on her.

Four Roommates One CharlotteWhere stories live. Discover now