"Oh!" My hand flies to my heart, and it squeezes affectionately in my chest. "Please, tell them thank you for me, and that the book will be out soon." 

As I say this, he turns the phone around to face me, where his partner's face lights up on the screen. They scream, standing it what looks like their kitchen, "Oh my god!!" 

"Oh, or I will tell them myself, haha! Hi!" I wave, smile crushing my cheeks, "How are you?" 

They stare at me with wide eyes and mouth open. The man checks on them from the side of the screen and clears his throat.

"I love you." They breathe, suddenly breaking from the comatose expression that had seized their face. "I am in love with you. Your face, your books, your characters give me life." 

My cheeks flush, and I chuckle, looking at the man apologetically. He shakes his head, as if he has heard this a million times. Beaming at them, I exclaim, " Well, I love you too! Thank you for everything, I hope you'll like the new novel. I'll see if we can send you an early copy!"

Their face crumples, and it looks like they're about to start crying. The man is quick to notice and turn the phone back around, "Okay, love you. Bye!" 

Then he looks at me with a watery smile and chuckles in embarrassment, "Thank you. That meant the world." His eyes fall to his hands then he says tentatively, "And if it wouldn't be too much to ask... Could I get an autograph? It's for Skylar. " 

"I'll find a pen and paper." I grin. He beams at me, and I pat Desi on the arm before turning away. "Be right back." 

Wandering through the house, I search for anything resembling a notebook and pen. My hunt takes me to the home office, which was down another hall branching off the living room foyer and to the right. The door silently swings open as I step inside and move to the desk. On the top of the table is a memo pad and a few pens are contained in a holder off to the side. 

Stooping, I scribble an autograph down before tearing off the paper and placing the pen back in the cup. Leaning up, a flash of bright pink catches my eye, and I see the corner of a book peeking out from behind a decorative vase on the shelves behind the desk. 

Checking over my shoulder in case anyone is coming, I walk to the shelf and move the vase to the side. A chuckle blooms in my throat as I touch the cover of the novel and count two more sitting under it. A Moment in March, The Time Before You, The Player's Guide to Love. They're the romance novels I let Robin borrow when he first came to my apartment. 

Lifting the top one up, I notice there's a bookmark in it and check where he's at. Without thinking I laugh out loud, flipping through the pages. There are little sticky notes stuck to the margins where he's made notes in the same scratchy handwriting that was once written on my banana all those months ago. I grin as I read a few of them. 

Note: Apply to character. Good detail.

Why are they all "unbelievably" attractive? What's so hard to believe? 

So that's the one bed trope... should be interesting.

Note: wear "slutty sweatpants" for one bed with L. Compare results.  

Note: avoid "growling" anything. Forever.

Dear GOD. My eyes! 

This one has a little arrow drawn down to a second sticky note that reads:

Note: Leave this in here so Leah knows I judged her sordid tastes. 

Which has another arrow drawn down to a third note: 

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