The hunter scoffed at her words, his hand moving to the weapon at his side, a clear indication that he was ready to escalate the situation. The other hunters followed suit, their movements synchronized, a deadly dance of intent and anticipation.

As the lead hunter approached Soyeon, another hunter produced a pair of handcuffs, the metal glinting ominously under the club's dim lighting. With a firm, almost respectful grip, he secured them around Soyeon's wrists. The action was met with a mix of shock and disbelief from the onlookers, a palpable tension rising in the air as the reality of the situation set in.

Behind Soyeon, Sana, still reeling from the confrontation and the physical assault she had just endured, found her voice amidst the chaos. "Soyeon! What are you doing?!" Her voice was laced with concern and confusion, unable to comprehend Soyeon's surrender.

Soyeon turned her head slightly, offering Sana a look that was both reassuring and heartbreakingly resolute. "I'm putting an end to all of this, so you can all be safe..." Her voice, though soft, carried a weight of determination and sacrifice.

The hunter then nudged Soyeon forward, guiding her out of the club and into the unknown. The hybrids and other patrons watched in silence, a sense of helplessness washing over them as they witnessed Soyeon's departure. Yet, in her act of surrender, Soyeon had ignited a spark of hope, a belief that her sacrifice could herald a new era of understanding and peace between hunters and hybrids.

As the door closed behind Soyeon and her captors, the club was left in a somber stillness, the gravity of her words lingering in the air. Sana, recovering from her initial shock, realized the depth of Soyeon's decision.


Yuqi's grip tightened, a sense of foreboding settling in her heart. "What are you saying, Soyeon?"

"There's a way to end this, to ensure your safety and the safety of our friends," Soyeon continued, her voice steady yet heavy with unspoken emotion. "But it requires a sacrifice... my sacrifice."

Yuqi's eyes widened, fear and understanding dawning simultaneously. "No, you can't mean—"

"I've made my decision, Yuqi." Soyeon's interruption was gentle but firm. "I can't stand the thought of any of you getting hurt because of me. This... this might be the only way to protect you all."

The silence that followed was suffocating. Tears welled up in Yuqi's eyes as the gravity of Soyeon's words sank in. "But what about you? I can't lose you, Soyeon. We can't lose you," she pleaded, her voice cracking under the strain of her emotions.

Soyeon lifted their hands, pressing a kiss to Yuqi's knuckles. "I know, and it's breaking my heart too. But I'd rather face whatever comes knowing you're safe. That all of you are safe. You mean the world to me, Yuqi, and I'd do anything for you... for all of you."

Soyeon's words carved a deep, aching hollow in Yuqi's chest. "Yuqi, I don't know what my punishment will be. But whatever it'll be, just remember I'll always have a special place in your heart." The kiss that followed was a poignant seal to her vow, a mix of love, fear, and an unspoken goodbye.

Soyeon's eyes held a resolve that belied the softness of her touch. "I can't run away. Whenever I try to, there's just nowhere for me to hide. So, please... Just stay with the others as much as possible, and keep yourself safe...." Her voice trailed off, a silent plea for understanding, for acceptance.

Yuqi's heart was pounding, her mind racing with thoughts of protest, of denial, but the question that escaped her lips was the one that haunted her the most. "Will you ever come back?"

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