Chapter 6

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"I was not looking for you when you met me, but now with you, it feels like a part of me always wanted to have you.. my heart stopped searching for anything else the moment it found you."

The next morning the whole island was preparing for a hurricane Agatha that was going to hit Kildare Island

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The next morning the whole island was preparing for a hurricane Agatha that was going to hit Kildare Island. Everyone was preparing for the storm, Ashton's entire house was preparing the estate for the storm, all of his families employees were helping.

Ashton had bed in bed most of the day, just reading his favorite book, he would continuously glance out his window to Rafe's. Every since yesterday morning he took notice to the curtains begin shut closed and he hasn't seen Rafe since then.

Ashton felt annoyed and also super confused on why the jock was acting so distant, nothing made sense, why would he help him and basically sleep on a beach together if it didn't mean something. Sure they barely knew each other and had a bit of a crazy introduction the past few days but he thought Rafe's behavior was super strange hot and cold could only describe it.

"Ashton! Honey can you come down stairs!" His mother called.

He rolled his eyes and tossed his book on his bed and strolled the halls and stairs to his mother who was directing some workers on which windows she wanted shuttered shut.

"What's up Mom?" Ashton finally got to her. "Sweet pea, can you please do me a huge favor and run to the store to pick up some groceries, I sent the maids home earlier because of the storm and the rest of us are busy can you get them?" Alice asked alittle nervous with a hurricane coming and they only just settled in.

"Sure, where do I have to go?" He asked. "Heyward's Seafood & Supplies, it's in The Cut," she replied while politely pointing where she wanted a window covered.

"The what...?" Ashton was confused. Alice turned to her son and saw him with a questioning look. "Sorry honey, I forget it's your first time here." She walked over to her purse and grabbed a few hundred dollar bills and a printed out receipt and gave them to Ashton.

"It's on the South side of the island, it's like the Bronx of the island, just be careful, I already ordered everything we need and they're too busy to deliver with the storm coming so just grab it and come straight home," Alice said and then turn to one of the workers who was carrying out a board of wood in the wrong direction, she quickly followed to correct them.

Ashton rolled his eyes and proceeded to walk outside toward his car, he crossed his arms while walking toward his car since it was becoming colder with the hurricane approaching.

He saw Sarah outside helping her family and other workers prepare for the storm. Yet no Rafe in sight. He called out, "Hey Sarah!" She immediately turned around and beamed when she saw Ashton. "Hey Ash! Be careful tonight!" He smiled and said back, "You too!"

Mr. Cameron saw Ashton next and approached the boy. "Hey Mr. Cameron." He said with a nice tone.
"Hey there kid, you and your mom got quit the team to help you guys hunker down, but if you guys need anything we're right next door," he smiled at the boy as he looked up at the boarded up mansion.

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