Chapter 4

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"Always remember, people know exactly what they're doing."

"It was that smile. The first time I saw it, I knew I wanted to see it for the rest... of my life."
~ Storydj

Ashton was gazing out the window of Sarah's car as they approach there neighboring homes, she pulled up her long drive way and put the car in park

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Ashton was gazing out the window of Sarah's car as they approach there neighboring homes, she pulled up her long drive way and put the car in park. "Oh, great, look my boyfriend Topper and my psycho brother are here, I guess I should introduce you before you head off," Sarah said with a smile.

Ashton turn his gaze to the front of the white old colonial mansion and saw on the front porch two guys laughing and talking about something before they looked over to Sarah's car that just pulled into the driveway. He started to get extremely nervous he was gonna finally get to talk to his hot neighbor, but also feared if he would say anything about this morning. "Y..yeah sure..." Ashton stuttered softly. Sarah was starting to get out of the car when Ashton spoke up again, "But first, thanks Sarah, I really appreciate you taking me around today... it's been a while since I was able to have some fun like this... I really appreciate it." He replied looking at the girl and he could finally call a friend.

"Absolutely, Ash your the best shopping buddy, plus your great to hangout with!" Sarah exclaimed with a bright smile exiting the car.

Ashton followed suit and started to feel himself sweat a bit. He didn't understand why he was getting so worked up, yea Rafe pretty much saw him but ass naked, which that alone was embarrassing as shit. But there was something more that was getting him worked up, something more he couldn't understand just yet.

The two boys on the porch had totally different expressions, Sarah's boyfriend was more of a look of concerned and questioning, were Rafe's was more filled with annoyance and a spect of curiosity. Ashton saw Topper turn to Rafe and ask him something as both Sarah and Ashton were approaching them.

Ashton faintly could hear a bit of their conversation since they were getting closer to the porch. "Who the fuck is that with Sarah?" Topper question Rafe with an upset expression, clearly jealous and upset about the where abouts of his girlfriend. Seeing them pull up together kinda got him pissed. "Relax, it's just our new neighbor, he's a total faggot, you got nothing to worry about," Rafe said staring directly at Ashton with a tense jaw and smirk.

Ashton gulped and started to really get upset when he heard Rafe's first words about him. Maybe... I should just tell Sarah my mom needs me home asap.. no fuck.. it's to late..

Topper turn around fully when they finally were in front of the boys. "Hey guys, got nothing better to do then bum it around all day," Sarah teased. "Yeah, right like you know anything about begin proactive, all you do is sit by the pool all day or spend daddy's money like a spoil bitch." Rafe sternly said to his sister.

It became quit clear to Ashton that the siblings disliked each other very much, so he stood still and tried not to look at them. "Whatever Rafe, why don't you go do whatever fucked up shit you do weirdo." Sarah snapped back. She was kinda embarrassed she just wanted to introduce Ashton to her boyfriend.

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