Chapter 3

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"Love is finding someone just as weird as you.. so you can walk amongst the rest of the world, two fucking oddities, who will never again feel alone."
~ J. Strelou

The sunrises razes peered through the white linen curtains from the ocean view of Ashton's room

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The sunrises razes peered through the white linen curtains from the ocean view of Ashton's room. He felt the warmth of the sunrise on his cheek and turned in bed, rubbing his groggy eyes open.

Ashton then took notice to the smell of fresh pancakes and other breakfast aromas and his stomach started to growl. He slipped from the comfort of his bed and slipped an over sized sweater that was once's Carters. He strolled out of his room and down to the kitchen, what caught his eye shocked him.

Alice was in the kitchen cooking an absolute feast, you would think that's a normal thing a mother would do every morning, but since Ashton turned 11 and his mom became detached with life and stopped anything that had to do with cooking or cleaning and would let the maids or chef cook for them. So he stood there mouth open in disbelief.

Sure she had stopped drinking a while ago after the huge incident with Ashton protecting her and getting beat up from his father. Alice did get a bit better and started to care more for him and focusing on getting closer with him again, but she never went back to cooking or anything one of the service employees would do for them.

"What's this?" Ashton said with a raspy morning voice to his mother.

"Oh good morning, sweet pea, your finally up! I figured I cook us up a fabulous breakfast for our first morning here together. Your Gammie, loved morning breakfast on the island, when I was your age it was super important to her to have everyone eat together before we split off to start the day! I wanted us to maybe start something like that.." Alice replied excitedly with a huge smile on her face.

"Uhm.. yeah, that would be nice, uhh.. thanks mom," Ashton said unsure of this new person he was slowly seeing his mom become.

"Here, grab a plate we can go eat on the sunroom table!" She beamed.

Ashton filled his plate and walk with his mom out to the sunroom and looked out at the back of the large estate that connected to the beach. It truly was breathtaking and brought a small smile to his face, he was starting to see why his mother loved this place so much and he's only been here barely a day.

They ate and chatted about what they were planning for the rest of the day. His mother told him she had a few errands to run to finish setting up the house and her new office and told him his car was finally getting delivered here from the city, which made Ashton extremely happy that he could drive around and check out the rest of the island.

As they finished up and headed inside, Ashton went upstairs to his room. He was shocked to see through his window that his neighbor was still sleeping in bed, huh, thought he would be more productive than sleep in the day... Ashton went to take a shower and get prepared for the day, he was rapid in his fluffy towel when he walked out of his bathroom and didn't take notice to the boy next door sitting up in bed looking into his window.

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