Chapter 44: Become Mine

Start from the beginning

No, he wasn't that type of man so there was no reason why else this man would save her not especially looking so furious at her.


'It's like his chess piece has been touched...' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Her white soft eyebrows frowned along her expression as if she was beginning to become displeased by his presence itself.

'Step, Step'



'Stop walking'

They sensed it.

Both were highly displeased just by the heavy steps he gave directing himself in front of her still looking at her very angrily with anger veins popping out from his clenched jaw.



She wasn't surprised by this man's actions as his gloved hand cupped her chin with strength not enough to hurt but to feel his anger.

It was what she had thought, they had touched what was his.

But she was not his, she would never be!

So she glared at him angrily and cold looking up at him as his large hands tightened up her jaw seeing her glare.


His mouth finally opened.

"I told you to wait and have disobeyed me" (Aiden, said)

He let out a possessive and angrily sharp tone.

He was not yelling but it was as if all the murderous intent he had killing this assassin had only increased.

Now was he highly dissatisfied he had disobeyed him? Had he gotten bored of her that now he wanted to kill her?

'Ha' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

She scoffed as if she was amazed he had the guts to show his true colors.

The darkness and malice he was hiding within him.

As if she was going to let him do as he pleased.

Not one inch in her bone was afraid of this man.

She too could kill him any instant she pleased him.

Perhaps it was the hassle that he thought as well.

Her mind and his mind were in sync neither appearing to be below.

Too bad the only below position here was him.


"I'm not a chess piece in your little game, I'm capable enough to defend myself with my eyes close" (Aneria, said)

"Don't think for a second that my face is just my show, I am not your possession" (Aneria, said)

Aneria had slapped Aiden's hand harshly enough to break away from him.

She glared colder at him and furiously as she scoffed in front of a powerful overpowering beast.

"You truly have quite the arrogance to think you can possess something that would never be yours, if you want to keep playing that little game we can continue on but you have to realize that you're only fantasizing about things you can't have" (Aneria, said)

"I do as I please and you're free to do so but don't you forget we are only connected by the same ambition don't mix your obsession with me" (Aneria, said)

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