Chapter 21 Guest Preparation

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At Aspen Castle-

"Princess have you heard that there was a letter informing that the prince will be returning in a month?"(Autumn, asked)

Autumn age twenty-six.

"Yeah, who hasn't heard about it. It's been all over the castle it's all the maids talk about." (Aneria, said)

Aneria age twenty-one said exhausted.

"Uh then...there's also something else." (Autumn, said)

Autumn's voice sounded alert which made Aneria nervous.

"What is it Autumn?" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria asked concerned.

"W-Well you know how come the king had ordered the prince to go on the subjection..." (Autumn, said)

"Yes." (Aneria, said)

"Since the prince is coming in a month the king will be sending eight delegates of the Celestial kingdom to come and meet the prince in front of the central gate. The delegates are going to congratulate the prince on his victory personally. and from there head to the castle."(Autumn, said)

"As soon as they arrive at the castle they will hold a meeting in the conference room and you are required to attend this meeting with no exception." (Autumn, said)

Autumn continued.

" of the delegates happens to be your old butler." (Autumn, said)

At Autumn's comment, Aneria raised her voice.

"What? Delegates?!" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria had halted her feather pen, put the documents down, and looked at Autumn with a serious expression.

"Your old butler is now Baron Harrison Curran" (Autumn, said)

Autumn said nervously.

At that moment the surroundings of Aneria's office turned upside down. Her light purple huge curtains flapped as the cold hard wind blew. In fact, most light things in her office fluttered around as Aneria's hair fluttered with an intense aura. The water jar that was near her right was overfilling with water while the plants on the coffee table between the two red couches had grown up to five feet.

The decoration candle sitting on a tall antique brown table near a painting  quickly raised into flames and burning the painting.

"That traitorous rat!" (Aneria, yelled)

Autumn tried to calm Aneria.

"O-Oh princess please your emotions, t-the room." (Autumn, said)

"He got a title, he must be pretty satisfied after he sold me..How dare he!" (Aneria, yelled)

'Swish, swish, swish'

Aneria's wind blew even stronger as Autumn's braids floated in the air.

"eek"(Autumn, yelled)

Autumn quickly held on to her skirt as it was going up in the air as well.

"That bastard, really after all this! What a scum to think he gained a title!" (Aneria, yelled)

Soon the papers and the feather pen quickly melted in red flames. And the curtains were almost ripping from the frame as the cold wind blew. 

"Princess please stop!!" (Autumn, yelled)

At Autumn's loud scream  Aneria managed her emotions back into control and everything that was floating down in the air came down. The five feet flower pot reverted to its original size. The decoration candle flames dissolved and the overflown water disappeared.

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