Chapter 41: Identity Exposure

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*** WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, humiliation, abuse, sexual assault talk, and death talk.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 41...


The King raised from his throne seat continuing to stare at Aneria and Aiden.

"Before I start, will my second son and my daughter-in-law step a little closer" (King Baxter, said)

"After all I have taken the time to work on a speech especially made for you" (King Baxter, said)


Both Aiden and Aneria glanced at each other with an expressionless face and stared forward at the crowd of the nobles who opened up again.

This time they did not escort each other nor did they hold hands.

They only silently walked near the front of the staircase and turned to the right where the balcony was at.


The King's lips rose in a satisfied smirk at how obedient and unexpected they were being.

Then his eyes turned to all of the people wondering what the King was going to say.

"As you know this event was hosted in honor of my second son for defeating all the monsters as a father I have to congratulate my illegitimate son" (King Baxter, said)

"?!!" (People)

Immediately the people's eyes widened in shock and whispers quickly took over.

"Oh lord he's an illegitimate son? Who knew that such a thing.." (Whispers)

"I always thought he was the Queen...according to the rumors of what I heard" (Whispers)

"Is that reason why the King sent him to Aspen before?" (Whispers)

"But isn't this too odd ? Can it really be true that he was an illegitimate son, why did the King not say anything before?" (Whispers)

Before he could give Aiden a break the King lifted his hand to motion the trumpet announcer to play the welcoming melody.



Door noise.

The entrance door opened and in there were the rest of his delegates who had not come down to Aspen except Marquess Quin who had a reluctant face as he entered this hall.

He clearly did not want to be here nor did it look like he had agreed to this without a command.

However on the other hand the other delegets that were there had satisfied faces looking down at Aiden especially Benjamin.

But it did not stop there this was only the beginning.

Because right at the end escorting them were the three knights who were present and had killed Aiden's mother.

The two knights that held his mother's arms and the other knight that had sliced her throat.

There were other knights than those present that also happened to witness his mother's death the ones that had held on to him.

Funny enough all of the knights were the ones that initiated his torture in the prison cell.



Aiden's eyes immediately widened, he had expected to see them but not the knights who had specially executed his mother.

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