Chapter 8: The Sneak Out

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**WARNING: This contains poverty content.

**Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 8...

Thirty minutes before Aiden's Departure in downtown Aspen-

Aspen was not only known for being a cold dark destroyed place but a place where only criminals or poor citizens lived. It was a place where polluted air particles floated around the sky due to the fire smoke that citizens used to drive the monsters away. This caused the sun to become hardly visible taking away most of the light source around them.

This pollution was not only in form of the air particles but as oil that affected the main water source that came from the Nicole river making it impossible for people to drink from it.

Having hardly any sunlight and a clean water source affected the production of any growing crops. Therefore the vegetables and fruits that people were selling in the destroyed market had rotten goods.

'It's understandable, seeing these kids stealing from even elders.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria thought as she looked at a group of two small fragile children distracting an elder while the other stole some rotten bread from his market stall.

There were brown sheet blankets to cover the market stand while four weak wooden sticks held it together and at the bottom was a big orange with yellow zig-zag pattern rug where their goods were placed.

"Oh miss how sad, I-I sob"( Autumn, cried)

"..." (Aneria)

'I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to bring her along. At this rate, she will attract the attention of the citizens around us. It was hard enough to sneak out today for the first time.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria and Autumn had sneaked out with brown mercenary robes that had a big enough hood to cover their faces.

Aneria removed her gaze from the children and faced Autumn's sorrowful eyes.

"It is really in worse condition than before... this is awful." (Autumn, cried)

Autumn wiped her tears at Aneria's warning gaze.

'She's right I only saw it once, the day of my wedding and it only got worse.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'Every since the first day the prince has been in charge of the castle duties unfortunately I was sick for a couple of years and had just regained my health after fully awakening. He always had tight security so it was hard to sneak out but since he's leaving it makes it easier to move. Now that I have found the identity of the guild master and investigated the situation here I need to move quickly. I can't keep letting people live like this' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria clenched her fists as she thought before speaking to Autumn.

"Autumn, remember our purpose here. I will fix everything, you just have to act according to plan." ( Aneria, said)

Aneria strictly said to Autumn while the hesitant Atumn asked nervously.

"Yes, your highness but are you sure he won't say be off with our heads?" (Autumn, asked)

"No, he won't hurt us if I threaten him first." (Aneria, said)

Aneria said indifferently.

Even behind the robe, you could see a beautiful young lady with big dark blue eyes and corn yellow blonde hair.

'I purposely wore a blonde wig and no one has ever seen my face nor Autumn's but if times come to show and he finds out I'll have to threaten his life.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

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