Chapter 23: Confrontation

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**WARNING: contains foul language.

**Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 23...

In the conference room-

'Tik tock, tick tok'

Clock sounds

The Aspen's castle conference room was both beautiful and luxurious as the tall light brown rustic clock stood there giving the room a sophisticated touch. The ugly yellow wallpaper that was once falling off was now gone and replaced by a pearl cream wallpaper with golden borders.

A huge wide window made out of a shiny crystal enveloped the conference room as it reelected on Aiden's face. It made his face look as if it was made out of a rainbow crystal added with bright sun rays.

Not only were the surroundings beautiful but the furniture was impeccable too. The  brown conference table  looked  like it was custom-made with a glossy polish over the wood. It was so shiny to consider it wood while the floors were made of real gold sprinkled inside the marvel floors.

The delegates sat there looking around the room, they couldn't believe their eyes. While others sat there silently in jealousy.

'It's understandable, who wouldn't have been taken aback by so much luxury. Even the king's throne room is nothing compared to this castle.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Nolan soon interrupted Aiden's inner thoughts.

"Ah you must be excited your highness to see your princess." (Nolan, said)

Nolan snickered.

"..." (Aiden)

Aiden stayed silent and looked down at the white with gold-colored tea cup. He smelled the warm lavender tea flavor and took a zip.

"!" (Aiden)

'Is this really a lavender scent? I had lavender tea too when I bought the herbs for me and the princess...but why is this one so good? The maids that would make my lavender tea didn't taste like this...'(Aiden's inner thoughts)

'In all my life, I have never had such a delicious tea. I'm going to ask which maid to made this so she could do more in the future." (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Some  delegates noticed Aiden's positive reactions so they too tried it out and...

'So good!' (Delegates inner thoughts)

The delegates happily zipped on the tea while sitting down in their assigned seats. However, Harrison was the one in charge of the delegate's mission as he sat in the main seat where Aiden sat on his left and Jerald to his right.

Harrison had purposely left the last seat facing him for Aneria.

Suddenly the two doors open to the conference room. One door was held by an orange-haired maid and a tall brown-haired knight and then...

A beautiful angelic woman with a  low-tied bun and her white wavy silky hair entered the room. Her bangs moved gently at each step she took leaving a fresh but sweet scent fluttering through the conference room.

Not only was her walk sophisticated and elegant but the light blue body con dress with a white mesh off-the-shoulder turtle neck with bedazzles left everyone speechless. The women's hourglass figure with wide hips moved making her look desirable. It was a mermaid-style dress matched up with sky-blue heels with clear crystals that only made the dress look more glamorous.

Her rosy soft glossy lips could only raise the temptation of any thirsty man as her dark big blue eyes radiated confidence and elegance while she carried a white fan with baby blue embroidery designs.

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