Chapter 24: Dominating Women

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**WARNING: Contains foul language, sexual content, and humiliation.

**Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 24...

"You should be happy for the opportunity the king is giving you prince. After all, this is a good chance to see your father, not like you're ever going to get his favor but a chance of a lifetime to meet him." (Malachi, said)

"As the illegitimate prince, you can also meet your big brother. Maybe he can show you how to act like half a prince since you still have commoners blood. within you." (Maverick, said)

Maverick snickered.


'He's an illegitimate prince? There were never rumors that he was an illegitimate prince, according to the rumors the king had a sick son that was kept hidden. So did he hide the rumors of his birth? There was never a word of his birthplace in the first place...' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'I don't like him but I'm so pissed off. How can he sit there, zipping on his tea so damn unbothered while they are insulting him like this.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria clenched her fists and was admitting an invisible fire around her.

"Unfortunately everything like killing monsters and fixing Aspen still doesn't prove your worth." (Maverick, said)

"We can only come here to check the surroundings as instructed and congratulate you since we had no choice." (Robert, said)

Then Nolan added.

"As you know, we will stay here a week examining everything on our end such as the school academy, the trading market, and so on. Then once we are done, we are to return and report to the king." (Nolan, said)

"After the king is done examining the report, he shall send you the invitation to the ball. You are expected to immediately head to the capital after you receive the invitation." (Weezzle, said)

Weezzle continued.

"Anyways, since Aspen looks quite luxurious, I hope you extend your generosity and give us one of the best rooms here. My skin is very sensitive so I would prefer some silk sheets." (Weezzle, said)

Weezzle said as he dusted invisible dust off his shoulder.

Then Harrison added.

"Yes and when we are settled, send us some cute maids to play around with." (Harrison, said)

Harrison said as he looked at Aiden.

'That's it!' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria's invisible flames expanded.


"No!" (Aneria, yelled)

Aneria got up from her seat and slammed both of her palms on the table furiously glaring at Harrison.

This caught everyone off guard including Harrison who was asking Aiden.

Then Harrison turned his attention to Aneria and asked.

"What did you say princess? I thought I heard you say something?" (Harrison, asked)

Harrison ask as he snickered

"You heard me, Baron Curran. I said no. Unless your rather I send you a medical doctor to get your ears checked." (Aneria, said)

Aneria snickered as she looked at Harrison.

"You!" (Harrison, yelled)

"Ah, my bad Baron Curran I misunderstood since I thought your hearing was bad, I was only trying to give you the hospitality that you wanted." (Aneria, said)

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