Chapter 7: 5 Years later

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WARNING: This contains foul language, psycho energy, and death talk.

**Alright Now Continuation of Chapter 7...

5-Years Later-

It was early in the morning when the grey clouds covered the bright yellow sun. As a fresh breeze followed below the busy knights.

Each knight gathered quickly to their assigned posts before it rained. Some men were inspecting the wooden brown carts, others were checking their green leather bags, and the rest were sitting patiently on their horses waiting  for the departing command.


The wind only blew colder by the minute which made many knights shiver except for one person.

The tall black-haired young man with beautiful purple eyes who seemed unbothered by the cold.

In between all the chaos the tall handsome nineteen-year-old was seen speaking to the old butler.

"Your highness everything seems to be ready for you to depart including the king's mission approval." (Henry, said)

When Aiden had recently turned eighteen the king had sent a letter demanding to fend off the monsters outside the Aspen border.

At first, there were very few monsters that crossed downtown Aspen but as years went by more crossed outside the gate. This became hard for the citizens that could no longer kill them. They now needed a stronger force.

The king had purposely commanded Aiden and the Black knights to station on the outside border. Therefore, it took Aiden about a year to gather enough supplies to survive inside the monster's den.

Once Aiden turn nineteen he had already finished perparing to set off. He only needed to send a letter of confirmation to the king before departing.

The butler hesitated before continuing to speak again while Aiden stood there wearing a Black knight's outfit staring at the nervous speaking butler.

"Since the king is aware of the mission wouldn't it be right to let the princess know about everything before departing?" (Henry, asked)

Aiden frowned as his thick black eyebrows meet at the butler's question.

"No" (Aiden, said)

Aiden looked at the butler with a cold expression as he quickly responded.

"But-t your highness maybe the lady had a change of heart and m-maybe you and her-" (Henry, said)

Without hesitation, Aiden's cut Henry's voice off in a cold tone.

"I have nothing to do with her nor am I interested in any kind of relationship that has to do with that woman." (Aiden, said)

Aiden, combed his black silky hair as he said before turning  around rudely and began walking toward his tall strong black horse.

When he had finally arrived next to his horse giving his back to the butler Aiden slightly moved his head to look at the butler before he spoke again indifferently.

"She couldn't care less either so leave it." (Aiden, said)

He got up on his horse with one hop landing on the horse saddle. Then looked down at the old  sweating butler who still had much to say.

"T-Then what do I tell the princess if she ever decides to go downtown?" (Henry, asked)

"..." (Aiden)

'Downtown? Ha, she doesn't even come out of her room. I wouldn't even have to interfere.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

As Aiden thought about Aneria his gaze naturally shifted to the farthest top window at his left to look at the white closed curtains where Aneria's bedroom was at while Aiden looked with a bitter smile before making up his mind.

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