Chapter Fourteen

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(please comment and vote x) also, could people tell me how fast they want alec's and charlie's relationship to progress? is it okay as it is, do they want it slower/faster?

Also, if anyone loves Daryl Dixon i have a book called Burn Like Fire, would much appreciate it if you could check it out if you'd like x

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Charlie sat on his smooth silk covers, his legs crossed as he held his head in his hands. He had some headphones on over his head, plugged into his phone. The song that played currently, the lyrics soaking into his soul as though it could recharge Charlie, was Man or Monster by Sam Tinnesz. The words resounded within his mind and the blonde found himself thinking of the memory the demon took from him.

He didn't know who the woman was, so why was she supposedly who he loved the most? Why was his memory playling longer than the others? Perhaps to mock him. Yes, that must've been it! The demon was playing a sick joke on the fact that Charlie had no clue as to who the woman was and so it allowed him to was the memory for longer than the others.

That makes total sense, doesn't it?

He couldn't think on it long before a knock echoed thoughout the room. He didn't hear, so he didn't respond, but it didn't stop the perpetrator on their mission. Heels clacked against the floor once the door had been opened, the sound of the shoes getting closer to Charlie as the seconds go by until they stopped.

He still didn't acknowledge the presence of the newcomer. Charlie's head bopped a little as the song continued to play, curtesy of him playing it on loop, and he felt like it was washing his worries away. Regardless of the lyrics and what they meant, music was something Charlie went to when alone. The silence was far too suffocating.

Isabelle Lightwood folded her arms over her stomach and watched how peaceful Charlie seemed to be. His blonde hair slightly fell in front of his face, unable to be held back by his headphones, whilst his face was resting gently. His brows weren't furrowed, his lips weren't curled in a scowling manner, and his body language was relaxed. It wasn't often - in the past couple of days - that she was able to see such behaviour from Charlie, and it was a nice surprise.

And she hated herself for ruining it as her hand reached forwards hesitantly, her perfectly manicured nail tapping against his shoulder and ripping him from the tranquility he had put himself into. Her doe eyes widened a little when Charlie flinched in surprise, his own eyes widening before he scrambled to take off his headphones and pause the song.

"Izzy?" He called her name, speaking as though he were hallucinating, but she sent a soft smile his way and motioned to the spare space next to him on the bed.

"Can i sit?"

"Yeah, no, of course." He shuffled to the side a little, watching Izzy's move cautiously. She stepped around the side of the bed, lowing her body onto it elegantly and sitting on a slight diagonal, her head titled to be able to maintain eye contact. She wore the same outfit as she did when she was at Magnus' apartment, not having the chance to change out of it yet after having a long and hard chat with a certain brother of hers.

The same couldn't be said for Charlie. The boy was lounging in a comfortable pair of grey sweatpants whilst he wore a slightly tight-fitting tank top. It showed off his muscles whilst also providing comfort. It also stretched, which he figured the last point was good incase he needed to fight anyone in his loungewear.

"I wanted to speak to you about what happened earlier." She confessed, her tongue wetting her lips as she contemplated on whether to give more of an insight or whether or not to simply tell Charlie to go and talk to Alec himself, but she sighed and looked into the blonde's blue eyes and caved. "Alec is...torn up about what happened. Believes it's his fault." Charlie listened intentively, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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