Chapter Eight

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(pls comment and vote) i'm really just making charlie go through a lot of emotional spirals'll get better, Charlie's gonna get his head outta his ass and accept help after this chapter x

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"Hello?!" Charlie leaned his head back and rolled his head. His hand rose up and gingerly touched his forehead, where a deep gash was on it. Blood trickled down his face, making his wince each time he'd frown. But, what hurt more, was Simon's heavy breathing and incessant banging on the metallic golden looking door whilst he cried out. "Anyone?! I'm just an accounting student. I have no value to anyone. My buddy here is unemployed, also! And-And i barely saw your faces, so if you let us go, we couldn't even identify you."

"Dude." Charlie shook his head, grunted afterwards after it felt like his brain was jiggling from side to side inside of his skull. The pain he felt in his head was almost nothing to the irritation he was beginning to feel for Simon Lewis. Whilst the boy continued to ramble on, and on, Charlie sunk lower into the ground. Well, if only he could.

He was regretting decisions he had made, how he treated those that were trying to help him, and how he had stuck up for Clary for so long.

"Why are you so-oh, god, you-you're bleeding!" Simon panicked as he raced towards Charlie, leaning down in front of the blonde and forcing him to turn to the side. In no way was Simon the most comfortable with blood, but this was Charlie.

Big brother Charlie. Well, that's what Simon would call him. Despite Charlie's obvious annoyance with him, the blonde man would always step in to defend him from bullies. It gave Simon the feeling that, despite everything, he would always have someone to look out for him.

"I saw that, um, Alec wasn't too happy?" Trying to spark a conversation as he stood up straight, Simon could only wince at the glare Charlie sent to him. "I get it, man, you're scared of change."

"I'm not." Was the gruff response he was given. Sometimes, Simon was really envious on how monotoned Charlie could go, but he supposed now was not the time to analyse the man.

"You are, though." He pressed instead, his brow cocking upwards in a confident manner. "You were spiralling emotionally, he tried to help and you were scared of it. You pushed him away."

"What do you want from me, Lewis? Are you wanting me to agree and accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, for once i want someone to care for me?" His voice was beginning to get louder, his breathing heavier and his mind racing. It throbbed against the front of his skull and he would find himself wincing, but he stood abruptly and stared Simon down. "Yes, Simon, i am afraid of that. I am afraid i would not be good enough."


"Listen." Charlie snapped, grabbing onto the front of Simon's t-shirt in his fists. "You do not get to lecture me on what i am or what i'm not afraid of. You let me deal with this. You so much as mention it to anyone and i will drag a seraph blade down your back and i will rip out your spine." The fear in Simon's eyes made Charlie's skin crawl, the realisation that he had just threatened the young adult's life dawning on him clearly. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, letting go of Simon immediately and walking towards the corner. "You're right, i'm terrified."

"What are you so afraid of, Charles?" Simon's voice was meak, quiet and timid. It held hesitation and uncertaintly, unsure on whether he should speak to the older blonde boy after that whole ordeal.

"Change." The monosyllabic word was an answer in itself, but Simon crossed his arms like that of a scolding mother and made a hand motion to urge Charlie to continue. "I feel...different around them. Around him. He...he's making me question everything, every interaction i've ever had with an ex or...or simply someone i used to call a friend." Taking in a deep breath, Charlie fought back an exhausted yawn.

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