Chapter Five

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"This is weird as fuck." Charlie mumbled to himself as he ruffled his blonde hair, trying to make himself seem a little more attractive than what he did currently. He was stood wearing tight jeans, a tight shirt - of which would barely button up due to the fact he seemed to be a little more filled out muscle-wise than Alec - and a pair of white trainers that seemed to be with him throughout all situations. 

Still, it did not exclude the fact that Charles Fray was wearing someone elses clothes. A man's clothes.  A man he didn't really know. Charlie shook his head and took in a deep breath, grabbing his stele before leaving the room. He couldn't contemplate on how wrong it felt to wear someone elses clothes just yet. He had information he needed to grab.

When Charlie made it to the centre of the church, he was thoroughly surprised to see another familiar yet slightly unwanted face.

"Clare." He called out, glancing at Simon with a small wince, however, he put his attention back onto his little sister. "A word?"

"Right." She nodded, giving Simon a small smile before walking towards her brother with a slight frown. "What's up?"

"He shouldn't be here. This isn''s not right." Even Charlie, someone that had only just been introduced to the Shadow world, knew that Simon should not have been here. He wasn't one of them, he was too...ordinary.

"Are you wearing my clothes?" A voice from behind Charlie asked, spooking the tall boy. He slowly turned around, coming face to face with a certain Alec Lightwood. "What is going on?" Alec's eyes connected with Simon's and even more questions arised. "Why is there a mundane in the insitute?"

"Funny, i was just telling my sister Simon didn't belong in here." Charlie hummed, sending a cocky grin to Alec. The boy opened and closed his mouth for a moment or two, actually shocked at how this random man had agreed with him without realising it. Most people were actually against most of his ideas. When i say most people, i mean Izzy and Jace.

"A Circle member followed him to get to Clary. And Charlie." Jace sighed, slowly glancing towards Alec.

"Cute." The blonde mumbled, a frown etching onto his face as his blue eyes gravitated towards the big screens. There were LAPD officers outside the "abandoned" church, searching for them but they won't be found.

"A circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother." That was a kick to the bollocks. Charlie actually felt him take a step back, shaking his head in disbelief. Clary was always inconsiderate of others but he doesn't remember a time she had said "her" mother and not "our". It sent chills up his spine and suddenly, it seemed, a crack in a wall inside of his mind broke through. A memory broke through.


"He's not normal, Magnus!" An auburn haired woman screeched, a four year old boy beside her. He clutched her hand tightly, tears streaming down his face as his eyes twitched. A man with slanted eyes, slightly tanned skin and an exotic and rather unique fashion sense looked to the blonde haired boy.

He then gingerly grabbed the boy's hand, kneeling down to inspect it closely.

"There's puncture wounds in the hand." He said, his face contorting to one of disgust as he slightly realised what had happened.

"Valentine must've-"

"This child isn't Valentines."

"He-" Magnus Bane glanced towards the auburn haired woman, a frown on his face.

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