Chapter 36

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- Next Morning -
We got ready and headed out to Billy's. We waited for the rest of the group and went to get ready for the interviews.
We finished our interview and Nick left to the apartment since he was tired. So Zak, Aaron, and I went to explore Los Angeles. Zak got out his camera and Aaron danced his head to the music a guy was playing in the streets. I started cracking up at Aaron's dances.
"One thing is sure, walking on Hollywood boulevard maybe scarier than being locked down in the Linda Vista Hospital. That is a fact." Zak said which I agreed with him.
"Don't ever lock yourself with that man in a building, stay safe." I said referring to Aaron.
"It's, why do we even need ghost adventures why dont we just call it the Aaron Show." Zak said while me and Aaron laughed.
"You just have to love Aaron!" I said giving him a hug.
"Aww thanks, Jenn. You deserve Starbuck's for that." He said.
"Yes!" I said like a little five year old.
We finished our interview with the nurse, Kimber, who saw the same girl as Nick and we where ready to start the lockdown.
"It's time. We investigated Linda Vista about three years ago. We are back and we have a big mission this time. Before we are locked in we are going to take the nurse who saw the same spirit as Nick but we are also going to have a ghost to investigate with us. This guy died in the tv show Super Natural, he died in the movie I Spit On Your Grave he died in the Fast And The Furious. You may recognize him, he is a big friend to the GAC. Mr. Chad Lindberg!"
"Wasup!" Chad said.
"Wasup!" Zak said while they greeted each other. "Are you ready for this?"
"Yeah." Chad answered.
"What's interesting is that Chad, you filmed in here and something happened to the crafts service man." Zak said.
"Yeah, what it happen was he wondered by himself and went down to the hallway, locked himself in one of the bins. He couldn't get out and he fricked out. They called the cops and they got him out and they found him naked. And they held him away." Chad said.
We went to see Larry to see the device he made to attract the spirit. Larry exlained us what was going to happen.
-Lockdown Begins-
"Hey guys something is moving down the hallway in my thermal device." Billy said threw the walkie talkie.
"What? C'mon let's go." Zak said.
"And it begins" I said.
"You can say that again." Nick said.
"And it begins." I repeated, while Aaron was laughing at my stupidity.
We went to see what Billy and Jay captured and there was this orb moving. If it was an animal it will appear yellow but this was red and pulsing. Which was very odd.
"I need an animal." Zak said threw the walkie talkie.
The man who locked us in suddenly appeared with a german shepherd.
"Aww he so cute. Hey boy hey." I said petting the dog.
"Jenn..." Aaron said laughing.
"Oh my bad. I couldn't resist." I said getting back to the camera.
So there was no animal in the building except the dog. We discovered that the object that was moving wasn't an animal and that there was no exit where the object was. So how could it disappear?
"Bye boy." I said to the k-9 who was leaving.
-10:13 pm-
"Here we go, Linda Vista Hospital. Hopefully we can capture this woman who showed herself at me in 2009." Nick said to the camera.
"Is anyone in here? we would like to talk to you." I said holding a recording device.
"Is your last chance this could be it." Aaron said.
"Chad would you just keep this on Kimber?" Zak said giving Chad the camera.
"Yup." Chad said.
"I want you to go down there to see if you guys get a connection with her and I want Chad to be a third party witness. Somebody who hasn't done this before." Zak said.
"Kimber have this recorder. Hold it when you start talking, and if anyone whispers or make a sound could you record that on the recorder." I said while giving Kimber the device. And she went down the hallway with Chad.
"Are you still in here? I've come along way back to see you. Do you remember me?" She asked.
"Can you come out and say hi." Chad said.
"I know that you were done wrong and I want the world to know that you were done wrong and treated poorly in here. Can you please come down here and talk to me? I really want to solve this with you." She said.
At this moment we caught a spirit responding to Kimber saying 'can you help... Anybody?'
"Yeah. The girl is here." I whispered to Zak.
We went to start our experiment. Zak plugged in the pod. And I pulled out a spirit box.
"Is there a spirit in this room?" I asked. "Can you please tell us your name?"
We asked questions and questions but no answers.
"Jenn is anyone here?" Zak asked.
"Oh there here but they don't want to show up themselves." I said. "If you are here please make yourself known. I may be the only one to talk to you personally. I know you are here I can feel you, but stop hiding. I'm not going to hurt you."
Zak explained to Chad, Nick, Kimber, and Aaron of my gift. And they stood there amazed.
"Did it just get cold in here?" Chad asked.
"She's here, that's why. Hey, please come here with me I'm not going to hurt you. They can't see you or hear you only with the devices but I can. Can you talk to me." I said holding out my hand to the little shy spirit.
"Wow! It just came threw the spirit box." Chad said.
"Yes it did. Jenn what is she telling you?" Zak asked.
"Can you show up to me and Kimber like you are doing to Jenn." Nick asked.
"She is scared." I said. "Look we want to know what happened to you, can you help us?"
"Why did you came? What do they want? Am I dead?" The girl asked.
"We want to help you but before we can do that you have to remember what happened."
"My parents took me to the hospital and all I remember was that I saw a doctor with a mask and some type of scissors and blood in his hand then suddenly everything went black." She said crying.
"It's okay, don't cry." I said while she gave me a hug.
"Can you tell me the name of the nurse in here?" Zak asked.
"A nurse?" I heard a male voice that was beside me and came threw the spirit box.
"Who are you?" I asked looking at a young men, then he suddenly disappeared.
"Wait...You heard that? Something was thrown over there!" Nick said.
"Who did you saw, Jenn?" Aaron asked.
"This tall guy and when Nick heard the throwing he disappeared." I said.
"Jenn is the girl wih you?" Nick asked.
"Yeah she's holding my hand." I said looking at the girl who was holding my hand scared.
Sorry guys for posting late but I had it saved and it erased the whole paragraph (it was longer than this one lol) and I had to start all over again, so thanks for waiting.


Love yall cx

-steffy ;)

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