Chapter 32

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- At the hospital -
"Hey, Nick."
"Hey, you should go with her she needs you."
"Nick, she needs you to. The baby needs you too."
"Im just scared."
"You'll be a great father Nick. C'mon let's go."
Nick took me to the room, where Veronique has been in labor for almost an hour.
"Hey..." I whispered. I heard that when womans are in labor they usually want peace and quiet or they will get cranky. And I just want to help, not cause a drama.
"Jenn... Thanks for com.. Ugh.. Coming.." Veronique said in pain.
"Shh... Just concentrate on the baby." I said and rubbed her hand.
- Hours passed -
"It's time." The doctor said and gave me a nodd. "Will you be able to handle this?" He asked Nick.
"Yes, sir." Nick said and I gave him a smile.
"Okay push slowly." The doctor told Veronique and she did what he said. "Now a big push the baby is almost here."
"Aaghhh!!" Veronique screamed.
"Are they okay?" Nick asked me worried, and he put his attention to the little baby crying in the nurse's hands.
"Yes. Go and hold her hand she needs you the most."
Nick did as I said and Veronique gave him a smile and he kissed her in the forehead.
"It's a girl!" The nurse said while handing the baby to Nick. "What's going to be her name?"
"Annabelle." Nick said holding the baby and watching how quietly she slept.
"I love it. " Veronique said. "Jenn, thanks so much."
"No problem Veronique, she is so beautiful. Here I brought you flowers." I said and placed the roses beside the bed.
"Aww, thanks so much." Veronique said and gave me a hug.
"Well I'll be in the waiting room with Zak if you need any help."
"Okay, thanks." She said."Jenn?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little tummy ache thats it."
"Okay, be careful."
"Yeah. Thanks."
I left the room and went to the restroom as fast as I could. Before I knew it I was throwing up in the toilet.
"Ugh I said rubbing my temples." I flushed the toilet and washed my face.
"Are you okay?" A little girl asked me.
"Oh hey, um I don't know. My tummy aches."
"Here have some crackers..." She handed me some crackers that she had in her little doctor's playset backpack. "It would sooth the pain."
"Thanks. Where's your mom?" I asked the little girl, while biting little pieces of the cracker.
"Mommy is helping one of her sick people."
"Is your mom a doctor?"
"Yes! And I want to be like her."
"Oh no." I hurried and threw up again. The little girl about 10 years old pulled my hair back and helped me up. "Jeesh, thanks."
"Here let's go with my mommy so she can check you."
I followed the little girl while she hold my hand. She took me down the hallway to her mom's office.
"Hey Kylie, where were you?" This woman with red hair, slight little freckles in her cheeks, with green eyes and with doctor clothes on said to the little girl that was holding my hand.
"Mommy she needs your help." The little girl hurried up and put her playset on the shelf.
"Hey, my name is Elizabeth. What's your name?" She asked me.
"Jenn Bagans." I said trying not to throw up again.
"So, what's the problem?" She said checking my heart rate.
"She's been throwing up. She threw up twice, mom. Twice!" Kylie said picking up her fake vaccine.
"Thanks Kylie can you go play with Dr.Adams, you've been a great help to Jenn." Dr.Elizabeth said leading Kylie to Dr.Adams room.
"Okay mom if you need help Jenn I'll be your doctor like mommy." She said and waved me goodbye.
"She's sweet." I said rubbing my stomach and trying to make a simple good smile.
"Have you ever had more than just a relationship with someone?"
"Well my husband Zak."
"When was the last time?" She said typing information in her computer.
"About two-three weeks ago."
"Ahh, here go to the restroom and take this test." She said and gave me a pregnancy test.
"Wait... So you think I might be pregnant?" I said a sudden joy came over me.
"Well I won't be sure until you take the test." She said. "Your last name is Bagans, right?"
"Yes mam." I said and closed the door of the restroom.
Oh my God could I be pregnant that fast?
Annabelle is born!


Love yall cx

-steffy xoxo

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