Chapter 15

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We went swimming in the water. Moments after we where swimming, Zak started splashing water at me.
"Hey!" I said splashing water back at him.
"Oh so you wanna play." Zak said and we started splashing water at each other. Zak went under water when I wasn't paying attention.
"Zak! Where are you?!" I said trying to look for him under water.
"Boo.." Zak said behind me and scared the beejesus out of me.
" Omg! I hate you." I said splashing water at his face.
"That's not what you were saying last night." Zak said with a smirk and a wink.
"Hehe.." I said embarrassed.
The sun was heading down. So we decided to go home.
" Say cheese." Zak said and pulled out his phone camera.
"Cheese." I said walking down the sand and putting my sunglasses on top of my head like a headband.
We stopped by at Starbucks to get drinks and headed home. I swear I'm happy I have Zak, he is the best.
"I love you." I said holding his hand.
"I love you more."
I know I know .... Is too short!! Just bare with me it's finna be good.


Love yall cx

-steffy cx

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