Chapter 22

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"Some weird things are happening in the kitchen!" I said while my heart was racing.
"Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination." Zak asked
"Are you saying I'm crazy?!"
"No, babe. Is cause you know some people think just because some random things happened out of nowhere they believe is a ghost."
"So how do you explain the stove turning off by itself and out of no where the clock falls."
"Maybe the stove needs repairing and where you reaching the shelf again?"
"Then all that movement in the shelves vibrates to the walls."
"Then what about when I put the clock in the table. And when I looked back to see if the clock was there it was back in the wall, huh? How do you explain that?"
"Excactly, last night I heard knocks in our bedroom door and I thought it was you but when I went to check nobody was there."
"Okay if anything happens weird try to communicate with it like for example... make the lights flicker if you are here."
Lights start to flicker
"I know you just saw that!" I said scared.
"Well there should be an explanation."
"If your here prove to us your here, turn off one light bulb."
One light bulb turns off
"Okay turn it back on." Zak said.
The light bulb turned back on.
"What did I told you?!"
"Okay fine I was wrong but I want to know why the spirit is here."
"We should do a lockdown." I suggested.
"Alright, tonight."
Okay, so know our house is haunted. I hope its nothing bad. I don't want to be living with a spirit, again.

Happy Mother's Day... And thanks to some creepy shit that happened in my room I had help to make this chapter...
I was pretending to be Zak because my lights where flickering so I asked ( i thought it was a ghost) "Is someone here? If yes flicker the lights once"..(it flickered once.) And I kept telling it to communicate with the lights (And it turned the light bulb off) but when my parents came in it stopped (and the lights where okay.) And yes there's still shit happening ... (Voices.. Shadows.. Noises.. But no attacks .. (Thank god!)
I believe it was one of my grandmas that visit here from Mother's Day idk what do you guys think??


Love yall cx

-steffy cx

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