thirty one

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"you look amazing.."

"are you sure? i feel like this might be a bit too much.."

"nothing is too much when you're going through heartbreak, now let me touch your hair up, it's not slutty enough."

"what?! i'm not looking for a rebound hookup or something guys, i just want to forget about that asshole.." jungkook said with a pout as he fixed his hair back into his normal fluffy style.

"okay we didn't go out on a shopping spree and buy the hottest clothes for you to not at least look a little out there," jimin instantly replied as his hands latched back onto the younger's hair.

and hottest clothes was right. jungkook sat on his bed all dressed up like he was about to go out to a club; silver buttoned up shirt that revealed his torso with every shift he made and skinny ripped jeans that showed off his toned thighs.

yeah, maybe this is a little slutty..

"guys i really still can't believe this whole taehyung-jungkook thing," hoseok suddenly said as he copied his boyfriend, messing with jungkook's hair.

"me either, all that explaining just still sounds so crazy to me!" jimin nodded.

"guys it can't be that unbelievable.. are you saying that i'm like out of his league or something?" jungkook placed his hand over his chest, slightly offended.

"no- well— okay no!" hosoek quickly said. "it's just.. he's the last person i would've expected to be into guys."

"well he sure was into me," jungkook huffed. "just not proudly i guess."

jimin cooed gently, trying to comfort the younger and hoseok on the other hand, scoffed. "yeah.. more like inside you."


"if i knew the king was gonna show up, i would've worn my nice shoes!"

"very funny, jackson!" jungkook let out over the blaring music with a laugh.

jungkook, along with jimin and hoseok had finally arrived to the after-prom party at jackson's place. it was safe to say that the party was definitely more packed than the actual prom at their school.. especially with how humongous jackson's house was.

the house brought back many memories to the bunny boy.. specifically memories from the one time he came with taehyung and they had pot brownies together. jungkook could feel his stomach stir at the flashbacks of them being so intimate despite how high they were.

how much he wished he could go back to that night.

"jungkook!" hoseok suddenly shouted as he pat over the younger's shoulder, shaking the thoughts out of his head. "your boy-toy is here, look!" he pointed across the hazy living area they had entered through, right where lucas was standing along with other soccer team members.

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