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scrapes all on the knees
carpet burns inside the thighs
white dress
church socks
all the natural blush that makes her beautiful to you
for the first time, a woman paints her nails
she rejoices
a delicacy
sunshine on his platter
which should be untouched
yet we all star into sun at some point

when i'm a baby star
not yet a decade old
your exuberance is insurmountable
spelling words and counting to ten
skipping over seven, looping under innocence
and peeking beneath my knee length skirt
you're a fool
i'm dumber, an oblivion compared to you
i know of nothing
so every adult is a god to me

accidentally a damsel
destined to damnation
do you love when i am seven?
i never intended to capture you
(oh i did)
for i can't spell capture
but i can tie my shoelaces without your help

this body has retired
from new, shiny business
this mind has disintegrated
and reached the point where age is a number

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