Start from the beginning

"oh, i'm tutoring after school. i should be able to kick in like ten more." lip offered, starting to stand up like the rest of the kids.

"wait, who?" addison questioned with a squint. he usually only tutored the same two kids on tuesday's and thursday's. "karen jackson." he responded, causing the brunette to raise a brow suspiciously.

"pay day at the store is friday. hey, did, uh, carl put in any?" ian asked, looking down to the box.

"mm." lip shook his head. "you're almost nine. you're going to have to start pulling your weight." deb scolded her brother.

"that's right, and get a real job, not just dipping into the collection plate at st. tim's." lip agreed, giving his brother a stern look.

"i'm filling in for candi. i can cover the rest." fiona assured, efficiently tidying up the kitchen as the conversation shifted.

"extra kraut on mine." lip requested, already anticipating dinner plans of what his sister would bring home from work. "cheese on mine," ian added, chiming in with his preference.

"you guys ready?" addison inquired, eager to start the day on time since they always seemed to be late.

"it's a day game. somebody's got to take liam." fiona reminded her siblings, holding up the baby as a reminder of their shared responsibilities.

"uh, i got a calculus test." lip reminded, offering an explanation for his inability to assist. "i'm working after school." ian excused himself.

fiona looked to carl, who just stared back blankly. that wasn't going to work. "uh, i've got tutoring later but.. i can take him.. i think?" addison offered with a grimacing look. she really was just trying to be nice, taking liam today would honestly not be ideal.

"show-and-tell?" deb questioned, bringing the baby into the discussion as an idea. "show them the birthmark on his back." fiona suggested, passing liam to her sister with a playful smile. "it looks like latvia!" sydney added, walking out the door with the rest of the kids.


after school, addison dove into tutoring sessions just like lip, though unlike him, her dedication was fueled by a desire to help others succeed.

she was at the top of her class. despite her academic prowess, lip always tried to convince her she was second to him, but addison's motivation went beyond mere competition. for her, tutoring wasn't just about getting paid, and don't get her wrong, she definitely needed the money, it was about making a difference in someone's life.

seeing the light on someone's face when they finally understand something they'd been struggling with for weeks made it all worth it for her. it was what she wanted to do with her life. she wanted to be a teacher.

entering the bustling gallagher home, addison was immediately greeted by the thumping beat of music emanating from the stereo.

fiona, the whirlwind of energy that she was, emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of steaming hot water in hand. alongside her sat their neighbor, veronica, and a disheveled man who appeared to have been through the wringer.

"i'm not kidding, steve. you are dead if he ever lays eyes on you. and i mean dead!" fiona's laughter filled the room as she entered, her infectious energy lighting up the space.

DANCING ON MY OWN, lip gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now