"Hey dad." I reached for a hug once he got close enough. 

"Hello flower." He leaned down to peck my cheek.

"Here are the signed papers you asked for." Chris hands my dad a folder with these so called papers.

"Did Henry look over the proposal?" Dad asks heading to sit at his big boss man chair. Memories of mini me sitting at the once enormous chair flashed my mind.

"Yeah he's taking his sweet time looking over it, it's getting harder to get a hold on him these days." Chris sighs a level of seriousness over takes his words. When was the last time I saw Henry?

"I was always worried Henry would turn out to be the burry yourself in workload type of man." Daddy sighed in reply, a slight shake to his head.

"Crap I didn't get the project folders from Helen on my way here." He curses under his breathe.

"I can go get them dad." I said almost in a hurry. I'm in major need of air it feels like I'm suffocating in here.

"Are you sure?" He asks surprise once again taking over his features.

"Yeah I'll just grab them and say hi, I haven't been around in so long." I give my best sunshine smile. Even though I don't feel it in the inside it's enough to convince both men and smile right back.

"Alright thank you." With a nod I turn to make my way to Helen's office. A sweet older woman who should really look into retiring but is as stubborn as a bull. I agree the company would take a blow with her loss as she likes to respond but she deserves to lay back and relax.

I make the route and even though it's been awhile I don't have trouble along the way. Caught up in my thoughts I accidentally bump into a strong shoulder causing a yelp to leave my lips in surprise.

"Sorry I was rushing my fault I didn't see you there." The deep voice turns my blood ice cold. I look up to see Cassio get close to me, too close to liking.

"Umm." Words won't come out as I'm pressed against his brick wall chest. The feeling bringing unwanted feelings and memories. The same chest that held me against my will, being trapped under with no escape. A cold sweat broke all over my body.

"Hurry up we're going to be late." Just as quickly as he came he then disappeared leaving my feet planted in utter disbelief. The ringing in my ear grows significantly louder making my head spin.

There's no possible way I just bumped into Cassio. That didn't just happen. What is he doing here and where is he heading?

Walking aimlessly now I stumble a bit as I regain my composure on the outside. Inside I'm a complete and utter, wretched mess.

Why on gods green earth am I seeing Cassio's face in what appears to be everywhere? Why now? I thought we were passed this. I don't need this right now. No god please no, I'm on the brink of losing it completely and shedding tears on the spot.

My vision blurs with tears as I keep walking. Slamming into another hard chest this time I'm engulfed in familiar arms my body react to. The mouthwatering cologne enters my senses and I breath it in finding comfort in the sent.

"Darling?" The ringing and muffled noise stops and I hear clearly. Blinking the tears away to see clearly I sigh with relief at the sight of Patrick.

"Patrick?" My voice is soft and fragile. The slight shake of my body calms as I regain my breath. Helplessly I press my body to his to feel his protective embrace caress my fragile being. Lifting my head to meet his concerned gaze his eyes look over me with furrowed brows.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now