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The weather between the end of the winter season and the start of the summer season is just not definable

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The weather between the end of the winter season and the start of the summer season is just not definable. At this time the cool Breeze feels like peace of mind. The soothing smell of nature is calmness for the soul. The smell felt like our heart was happy. The coldness of air makes us feel that we are bound with nature and we are meant to be supplements of each other. Each breath of this period filled our body with coldness not like a winter season coldness in fact it felt like a soothing cold that calm our mind , our soul , our heart and we are again & again longing for it.

I always wonder - what if I have someone with me, what would they think about this time. Would they also be able to think like I was thinking , would they be able to feel these emotions & warmth like I'm feeling. Having someone is blessing but sometimes being alone is more good then being with someone.

I never ever thought that I would ever be desperate for someone but unfortunately in this weather I really want someone to enjoy with me , share the thought with me and I want to know that the other person was also liking it.

After attending my classes here I'm. It's one of the small, cozy and prettiest park at the back of University.

It's our , means Aavyaansh, Aaryan, Anshika & mine comfy place. After college we meet here because if we meet in college everyone will become suspicious so we always do this then we go home together except Aaryan because of his bike.

And like always I'm 1st here with my peace, Lost in my thoughts like always.

If I continued this, always being lost in my thoughts someday I'm sure that maa will beat me. She was really hell irritated with this nature of mine. But whatever I do I'm not able to stop my mind, it feels like my mind always forces me to think, think that I'm all alone, think that I'm sad, think that I'm longing for someone and at the same time want to be alone.

Enjoying this sight of nature, enjoying my own company, listening to the birds, feeling the air, smells of cold and dry leafs are soothing my mind and heart but also a loneliness that are present in inner me are swallowing me.

I was so lost in my thoughts then I heard a sound and my trance of thoughts broke.


"Aavyaansh" Here comes my sweetest Brother in law ofcourse with his so so luxurious camera which he adores like the camera is his Heart.

"It came out pretty, Perfect click."

"I told you not to click my photos."

"And I also told you that I will not post it."

"But you already did."

"Hahaha, how did you get to know?"

"Very funny but don't forget that I also have an account."

"I thought, Aaryan or Anshika shows you. I was prepared to beat them."

"Like you are able to."

"Are you joking bhabhi , seriously."

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