Chapter nine

Depuis le début

She wrapped me in her arms and rubbed my back for the time.

"Sushhh ! It's okay." She said.

"Mm.." I mumbled.

Then we decided to have some dinner over there. We were in the countryside it would be a waste of a visit to leave without eating. We pulled at the small restaurant. We had our dinner and got back in the car.

"It was the best evening of my life." Luna said.

"Yeah , it was the best one." Her boyfriend said while kissing her hand.

I smiled at them.

"You wanna stay with us tonight." Luna asked.

"Well , I would prefer to be at my house. I think so."


Neil pulled the car in front my house. I got my stuff out of the car.

"Well , get inside. Take care , Good night sweets !" Luna said after kissing my cheek.

"Good night. Drive safely!" I said waving at them.

"Call me if there's any problem !" Neil said.

"Sure, Mr. Warren." I chuckled. Luna was laughing at us.

I got inside my house. 'Hmm , alone. Again.'
I called Steven before going to bed. I slept peacefully that night.

In the morning, I recieved a call from an unknown number.

"Hello!" I said.

"Hey. Is this Eva Celeste?" The voice from the other side.

"Yes. And you? Do we know each other?" As the voice was kind of familiar to me.

"I wanna meet you. I'll tell you who I am there. I wanna have a word with you."

"But why would I come? I don't even know you."

"You will. Check the pictures sent from this number and I'll text you the address and the timing later."

Those pictures. They were of me and Ross. Who is this person? Why and how do he have those pictures of us ? What should I do? Should I tell someone? Steven? Luna? Police? Is he stalking me? What should I do now?

I got a text from him. 'Don't you dare tell this to someone. Or you can't even imagine the consequences for this.'


I was fucking scared. As he said I have to meet him alone. So I went there around 8:40  at the backside of that church. That place was haunting and it's getting the good inside of me. I mean , I was already scared now this place is even more scarier. So now I was scared sacred. I was standing there when I heard some noise , someone's coming here.

"She's here and alone." The man was standing right behind me and talking to someone. The other voice was coming from the phone.

"What do you want? Money? I can give it to you. How much is it ? Huh ?" I said in one go as I want to be out of that place as soon as possible. But the other side had different plans.

"Cool down , amore." He paused.
"Is it what he calls you? Amore , right?"

"" I was fucking surprised to hear that voice. I turned around and he's standing right in front me. I couldn't hold the tears from eyes but somehow I managed not to cry. Not in front of him.

"Hey , amore. Don't cry." He's teasing me and Steven.

"" I said trembling with fear. How can I not get afraid of him?  He did terrible thing to me and now he blackmailed me for our photos and for what !

"Yes , Ev." His eyes filled up with tears. His face expressions changed. He's sad. I don't know if I'm right. But he's looking like that.

His hand reached my hand.

"Ev. Do you miss me? Do you still love me? I want you back, Ev. I want you back." His face was in my hands and he's crying continuously.

I can't let a single word out of my mouth. My heart , it's aching. Really bad. My eyes were filling up with tears. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I want to cry.

"Ev. Babe , I missed you." And suddenly he started laughing. Laughing like monsters.

"Is this what you want to hear? Aaahh !" He's laughing and wiping those tears from his face.   "Do you think I'm stupid or what? I would never show interest in a girl like you. Back then , I was not in love with you. It was just sex. I was getting that for free so I was happy. When you resisted , you know that."

I was stunned. The tears were falling on my cheeks. I was standing still with plain face. 'What is he saying? He was crying a minute before and now what ? He's saying all this. He used me. He was with me for sex only.'

My mind can't cope up with this all. And my body was getting cold from his words. Those words , they were giving me shivers. The atmosphere in my surroundings, it's giving me chills and my body was resisting to stand any further.

"I missed your body. It's just so perfect that I'm here , right in front of you , again. I want you , amore. I want this body of yours again. I want to claim you again. I want that stupid Steven to know that you are only mine and will forever be mine , I mean your body." He said that all with no hesitation and no break. Like man , are you even hearing what you are saying?

"You better leave right now. Or..."

"Or what? You called someone here, someone's with you. Nah ! I know you. When it comes to me and you , you will never do that , Ev."

"Just stop calling me that ! " I screamed.

"Hey ! Hey hey ! Relax ! Cool down !"

I tried to walk out of there. But the other man , he held me from my arm.

"How dare you touch her ?" Ross punched the other guy. Now , I was even more scared. Because, Ross's anger is bad. Very bad. He would kill this guy. He's continuously punching his face like a bag. There , I made a mistake there. Instead of running away from him. I tried to stop him.

"Ross , stop it ! He's gonna die! Stop it !"

Ross slapped my face. Then he got up from him and came towards me. I got scared. I was crawling on my back , on my hands backwards. He's coming up at me.

"No ! No no no no !" I was saying that nonstop.

"You douchebag!" Rock kicked Ross.

Rock , Neil , Luna came there to rescue me. Before coming here , I called Luna and told her everything. I asked her to keep her phone close and call Rock. If I'll be in danger , I'll send you emergency alert message in 5 mins. Yes , even though I was stunned to see Ross there. I knew he's not here for something good. He's there to do something bad to me. So I had alerted them. And now they are here with police.

"Are you okay , babe ?" Luna caressed my hand.

"Yeah. Because of you three. Thank you !"

"But , what is he doing here?" Neil asked pointing towards Ross.

"I don't know. Maybe for my body. I mean , he was saying that before."

"That's disgusting of him ! " Rock said punching on the floor.

"Whatever ! Let's go home." Luna said.

"Excuse me , mam. We need your statement. Would you mind a minute please?" The police officer asked me.


After giving my statement to them. We came home and I was in their house. That was a long night for me. Ross had been arrested. Steven has no idea about this all and I don't even want to tell him. But again , this incident is not gonna come out of my mind. It's gonna be fixed up there. I took a bath and tried to get some sleep but unfortunately couldn't get some.

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