Chapter nine

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"Eva tesoro !"  Someone shouted my name with tesoro (darling). I was shocked like who is this person. I started looking here and there and then my eyes stopped at someone I knew.

"Luna !" Yeah , it was LUNA. She was shouting my name at the airport to get my attention. She and her boyfriend were there to pick me up without me knowing. They must have figured out that I would be sad. So they came to pick me up.

" Your flight is late girl. We are waiting for an hour for you. It feels good to finally see your pretty face."

"Is it ? I mean is it pretty ?" I scoffed and gave her a wink.

"You bitch ! " She said with a smile.

"Well if both you are done talking. Can we go there now?" Neil said getting frustrated from us. He's like this. Not his fault , we are a little annoying when we are together.

"Umm ! Where are we going?"

"Surprise for you !" They both said.

To be honest , I don't like surprises. But I have to go with them to see where exactly they are taking me after a long fucking journey of mine. Anyways, I appreciate their efforts. And I'm glad to have friends like them.

We are driving for an hour. I don't know where and why we are going ? At this point , I don't even wanna know. I'm kinda feeling sleepy.

After maybe a three hour drive , we reached a place.

"Come outside. "  Neil said getting excited.

"What is here?" I asked being curious.

"Look at the sky. You'll get your answer , madam."

I was too stunned to speak. It was the most beautiful sky I have ever seen in my life. The stars , the darkness of the sky , the quietness of the place and the peace of mind.That whole place is a peace and no less than a heaven. I was very happy.

I laid down at the grass and watched the stars for a while. Then I closed my eyes to feel the nature. To feel the beauty of the sky. To feel the fragrance of grass , the aroma of flowers , the breeze which is touching my hand that is waving in the air.
My mind is quiet now. No more noises. No more headaches. No more thinking about something. It's just me and nature feeling each other.

"It's gorgeous." Luna said while looking at me.

"Yeah. It's peaceful as well."

The three of us were laying on that grass , quietly. Letting all the worries go. Letting all the sorrow , misery go.  Nature is wonderful. It's amazing. I wanna lay down at this grass forever.

I'm a countryside girl. Of course , I love nature. I just love it from the deep of my heart. I have a different connection with it. It feels me. It always makes me happy. And now I'm thinking about my parents. They died when I was in high school. They had an immense love for each other and destiny separated them or maybe death. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and in two months of that she died. My dad couldn't handle the separation of his beloved , so he died as well. Leaving me here , alone. But sometimes, I think they didn't want to live separately so they just decided to die. I'm happy for them but I miss them so badly. I had no siblings as well. So after their death , I had to do everything on my own. I didn't want to rely on my aunt's.

I had studied and became a doctor because it was my father's wish. He wanted to see me as a doctor. Somedays I think he's watching me. They both are. From up there.
The tears from my eyes are falling on the grass. I have no control over them , not when I'm thinking about the two most important people in my life.

"Are you crying? You , okay?" Luna said with a soft voice.

"I'm thinking about them. I miss them." I said and started crying in her arms.

Tu manchi (You are missing to me)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora