Chapter One

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I remember that face. How can I even forget that face of him ? I knew him. He was my everything but he's a Stranger now. I tried to avoid the gaze of him but I couldn't resist it , the way he was looking at me it was like he wanted to say something.

I came out of my thoughts and started sipping on my coffee as I was getting ready. Getting ready for my job !  Oh yeah I forgot I have to be there early today ! Shit ! What would I do now ? I have to hurry !

I went to my office with a file in my hand. I was going through that file when the nurse knocked on my door.

"Come in !" 

"Dr. , there's someone waiting for you for an hour. He said he wants to meet you and he will not leave until you talk to him."

"Who's he?" I asked out of curiosity as people don't come to see me that often.

"Don't know him and he said he won't tell his name. He just wants to come inside first. You know him."

I wondered who is this person and now I really wanted to meet him as well.

"Let him in" I said with a sigh.

After a while , someone knocked on the door.

"Come inside" I said reading that file again.

He opened the door and I could hear the footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and I stopped breathing for a second. My heart ached as if someone put their hand inside my heart and trying to get it out. My expressions changed. My eyes are filling up with tears. But I don't want to show this side of me to him. I put myself together and took a deep breath before saying anything to him.

"Hi" he said with an unclear voice like he just whispered that.

"Hi" I said in return." How can I help you?" I said making the conversation as professional as I can. But I knew he wasn't there for that. He was there for something else. And I don't want him to start that conversation because....

I was in my thoughts when he said," How you doing?"

I paused there for a moment. I have to gulp the saliva forming in my mouth.

"Fine" I said, "I'm doing fine. What about you?" with a plain face.

"Oh, great. Feels good to hear you are doing fine."

"Oh, yeah" I wanted that conversation to end and I want him out of my face right now because it's way too hard to control myself as he was talking to me.  'Please god , save me from this.'

And suddenly there was a knock on the door. And even before I say something the nurse rushed inside,"it's an emergency. You have to come right now." Hearing the word emergency made me run out of my office.

There was a woman. She's pregnant and she had a terrible accident in her seventh or eighth month , I guessed from her belly. She was covered in blood. Her head, it was covered in blood. I can't possibly save her life alone. So I had to call more doctors inside. I started scanning the baby. The other doctors were cleaning the blood and dressing her wounds.

And I was shocked.

The baby in that woman's belly,  it's hurt. The woman must have fallen on her stomach. It's not a good sign. We have to hurry about this as well. I told the nurse to get signatures from her family for cesarean as it could be fatal to anyone of them. They signed it. And I proceeded it. It took us some time.

The baby wasn't healthy. Ofcourse, first he's in his seventh month and now he's out of her mother's belly in the accidental situation which could have been fatal for anyone of them.

Fortunately, both of them were okay. The nurses put the baby in the glass machine to nourish him further. And the woman was lying on the bed covered with gauze.
I was staring at them , both of them.
It was a relief to know that both of them are okay. The operation had gone well. I thanked the doctor who assisted me in that emergency and made my way to the patient's family and asked her husband to come with me.

As I reached my office , I sat on my chair. He sat in front of me with a sad face. I told him," They both are okay. None of them is in danger." I assured him that it's okay. 

But he started crying in front me. It happens most of the time as a doctor I had seen way too many people crying their hearts out in front of me.

I let him cry a little. Then he said," Thank you, doctor. You don't know what you have done to me. You have not just saved their lives , you have saved mine as well. I was thinking if something would happen to any of them. What would I do? I had no one else in my life without them. Thank you. Thank you so much, for saving us." he said while sobbing and getting himself together at the same time.

I put my hand on his shoulder to assure him that it's what I do. It's my work. You don't have to say thank you to me for saving their lives.

"It's alright." I said with a smile on my face. A smile of feeling that I am responsible for someone's happiness and not grief.

He left then.

I was preoccupied with so many thoughts and cases of my patients that I forgot about  what happened today. He came here. He was talking to me just like nothing had happened between us.  I don't even wanna think about him but at the same time I am thinking about him.

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