Chapter Three

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It's almost a week now. I forgot about him. I forgot that I met him a week before. I forgot how sad I was after meeting him.

I am in my kitchen preparing myself dinner. I got a call from my hospital.

"Hello , Dr. Eve?" the voice on the other side.

"Yeah, it's Dr. Eve here. How can I help you ?"

"Dr. , We are talking from the hospital. It's an emergency you have to come as soon as possible."

"I'll be there."

I turn the stove off and grab my keys and drive to the hospital.

I start putting my gloves and scrubs on. I am running to the Operation theatre. I successfully completed the operation and took a deep breath before coming out of there. I am feeling relieved, finally.

I drop the idea of going back home as it's almost 3 in the morning. I decided to stay in my office and lay down there. I was deep into my thoughts when I heard the knock on the door.

"Oh yeah , come in."

"Morning Dr. Eve." I heard a familiar voice.

Oh ! It's Steven. He's finally back from New York. I look up at him and I smile brighter because I am way too happy to see him.

I get up and give him a hug. "Morning Professor." I said teasingly.

We laughed.

"How are you doing? Is it all going well?" He asks.

"Yeah it's superb. How were you doing there?"

"Well , wasn't much fun without you guys. I missed you all really bad."

"Awww , those sweet puppy eyes of yours." I love to tease him.

Steven was handsome , cute and everything a girl would want his boyfriend to be. I know he likes me. But I only see him as my friend. A very important and loving friend. He knows everything about me. My past, my present, my allergies, my likes, dislikes and everything. We were always together in the college. Everyone used to ship us alot. We used to laugh at those people. From past two years he was in New York. He's a professor in a university over there. And after two years , he's finally back to me , to Paris.

We had talked a lot in my office and then he left to rest and I told him to take a good rest as we are going to party hard at the night in the light of his return. Afterall , he is a person cherished by everyone around him. He's loveable , kind.

I am getting ready for tonight's party. Luna , his boyfriend and some other friends of ours are joining us. I am wearing a black dress which is backless and it's short ofcourse.
My hairs are down and I am curling them when I recieve his call.

"Ciao Bella" his smooth and gentle voice.
Ugh , sometimes I think I'll fall for him if he continues to be single.

"Ciao" I said , smiling.

"I am coming to pick you up in 5 mins."

"What? You, what?" I am shocked as I cannot be ready in next 5 mins. It will surely take me 20 more mins.

"Hehe, relax. You can take your time getting ready. I am just gonna chill at your place for that while."

"Uh uh ! Okay Bello." I cut the call with that.

He is humming a song while walking into the house. I can tell that it's him ,  from his Signature perfume and that deep voice.

"Oh ! che carino" (how pretty) he said while scanning me from up to down and giving his playful smirk .

"che stupido" (how dumb) I said while mimicking his way of speech and laughing out loud.

He is staring at me like he will rip apart this dress of mine and take me down on my bed right now. But , he knows his limits and me too. We are friends , only friends.

He starts smiling at me and walking towards me.

"I missed you" he said while fixing my hair behind my ear.

Goosebumps. I fucking felt goosebumps from my friend. This is fucking wrong at many points.

"Well , now I am here. You should not miss me anymore." I said changing the topic maybe same topic but diverting the main focus of the topic.

"Yeah" he hugs me.

"Okay , leave me now. I have to get ready!" I said pushing him away and in bit annoying tone.

I start putting my lipstick on and he is staring at my lips.

' Mama Mia ,why is he looking at my lips? Please , if you are thinking of doing something stupid just don't. I won't be able to see you in your eyes later. Don't stare at me like that. My knees are getting weak. Fuck !'

Then he turns his gaze to the bag he placed at my bed before and after a second he is behind me. He is putting the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen  on my neck and with zero expression on his face. I am way too stunned to even speak. He moves my hair out of the way and fixes the necklace on my neck and we look into each other's eyes in the mirror for some while.

I break that stare and smile "Oh, it's so pretty. I am blessed to have a friend like you, my boy. Thank you for such a pretty gift."

He smiles "Do you like it? I just randomly bought it because you like jewellery. I didn't know you will like it this much."

"Ofcourse I would love everything you give me."

I am now putting my heels on. He is outside of my room. Waiting for me or more accurate just roaming around my house.
"Let's go , Bello" I said looking for him.

He is coming out of my kitchen.
" Let's go" .

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