Chapter 7: The Inner Turmoil of a Lonely Man... (Part 1)

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Yet another year has passed, and I've now turned 8 years old, and my brother 7 years old. My two younger sisters, Aisha and Norn, were now a year old.

I sighed as I weaved and bobbed out of Paul's sword strikes and Rudeus and Sylphy's magic shots.

Yeah, forgot to mention that bit, didn't I? Well, it didn't really bother me nor concern me, except for the fact I gave Rudeus a solid beating for forcibly undressing Sylphy, regardless of if he knew whether she was a girl or not.

Also, I was now at a level where I had fully awakened the Shadow Monarch's powers but it was before Sung Jinwoo used the Cup of Reincarnation. So my abilities were now at an absurdly high level now.

I kicked out and, considering how naturally powerful I was with my Heavenly Restricted body being stronger every second, the force casually broke the sound barrier and blasted Paul away with enough force to break through his actual sword and break some ribs as he was flung away with such force and speed he was a blur that crashed through several fields before crashing into a house about a mile and a half away.

Not pausing for a second, I weaved in and out of the slow moving spells. I sighed as I crouched down to pick a pebble from the ground, only for the ground to start pulling me in, sinking me into the ground. I grinned, Not bad. Let's see... I lifted my foot up and slammed it down on the surface of the quagmire and took off, appearing behind Rudeus. "Yo!" I said with a devilish grin.

Rudeus spun around in alarm just as Sylphy tried to use an ice spell to capture me. My speed, reflexes, and senses never let her, even if I wanted to let her. Decades of battle experience, plus a body that was so fine-tuned with their senses that it allowed them to perfectly sense curses that they couldn't see and react to cursed techniques that they otherwise could not perceive. Now imagine that amplified by eight times.

I appeared in front of Sylphiette, grabbed her by the arm, and threw her into my brother. "Seems like it's my win again, brother." I declared. I had made a promise to essentially fight the whole household with only one of my abilities, and I chose my base abilities granted to me passively by Heavenly Restriction.

I glanced over my shoulder with a smirk. A boom resounded near us as Paul came out of the rubble with his broken sword at his side. He chuckled as he wiped the blood dribbling from his lip down his chin. "You damn brat... you been juicin' up or something?"

I smirked and spread out my arms, "Dunno. Guess you'll have to see it for yourself, now won't you?" I declared as Paul hefted his sword and charged towards me. Right as I was about to move, the ground began sinking me in. My smirk broadened. That's right. You're using your brains now... I declared in my mind as I leaned back and narrowly avoided the sword swing aimed at my chest, pushing it to the side to suddenly accelerate the blade and use it to help pull myself to the side, enabling me to casually leap out of the muck again.

I smirked, "Heh." I took off in a burst of tremendous speed that shockwaves and a small crater was left in my wake as I began swapping hands with my father, who was going around swinging his sword.

I bobbed and weaved in and out of the thrusts, feints, slashes, and other moves he made, with a few unorthodox moves he learned from the North God style. I then began casually and methodically moving the blade in ways to break his form, pulling him closer to me with methodical practice while he began swinging more frantically to get at me. As I calmly did this, I could tell how shocked, amazed, and utterly terrified my brother and his friend were of such practiced skill and power I possessed.

Eventually, I got him right where I wanted him. His form was shot now, his body getting fatigued, and he was close enough to me. With fluid grace, I delivered a palm strike to his chin, sending it flying up with spittle flying before I dug my knife-hand into his solar plexus and unleashed a full-force one-inch punch that casually broke his entire ribcage into fine powder, his internal organs completed ruptured or destroyed, and his chest imploded in on itself in a disgustingly disorienting way as he shot away from me like a bullet with so much force and speed that one moment he was here, the next second he was a quarter of the way out of the Fittoa Region as a whole. "Black Flash." I stated as the black sparks of electricity danced around the air to emphasize the power left behind.

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