Chapter 3: The Truth Behind The Mask

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Our parents had put up a notice for someone of Saint class mage and swordsman or above. And, in a few months, we met them.

While Rudeus was being carried by Paul Greyrat, I sat on Lilia's shoulders, looking at our two new instructors.

"Hello, I am Roxy Migurdia, a Water Saint class mage. I came here due to the request." She said simply and as she was going to continue, she was cut off by the man standing next to her.

"Hey, I'm Timothy Britts, a Sword Emperor. I also came here due to the request." He said.

My eyes widened tremendously. An awed look crossed my face. I knew he was a Sword God expert and had a tremendous touki, but not to the extent of him being a Sword Emperor! Holy shit! I thought in shock.

I had read in one of the books here about experts of each sword technique, those who ranked King or above in their craft, and well... one of them stood right in front of me now.

I immediately felt the urge to challenge this man in combat but held myself back.

"Who is to be my student?" Timothy asked.

I raised my hand, "I am." I said as I smoothly slid off of Lilia and landed on my feet where I then looked up at the man as I pulled out a sword from my shadow. "I'm the eldest son, Adam Greyrat. It is a pleasure to meet you." I stated as I bowed lightly to him.

The man, as well as Roxy's, eyes widened tremendously. Timothy immediately looked up at my parents and they smiled as my mother placed her hands on my shoulders. "Our eldest here was able to emulate his father's Battle Aura by looking at it once and taught himself how to read and speak before any of us could. I'm sure he will surpass your expectations."

Timothy looked down at me with a new light. "He copied Battle Aura after only seeing it? Is it because of his Demon Eyes?" He questioned.

My mother gained a shit-eating grin. "He doesn't have any mana either. He has a different type of energy that he uses, too."

Timothy narrowed his eyes at me. "Well... now that is interesting to hear. We can begin tomorrow in the morning." He stated.

I nodded and glanced over at Roxy, who was staring at me with an interested look. "If you want, I can also show you one of the things I can do with my new energy if you're so interested in it." I suggested.

Roxy immediately brightened, "I would love that!" Then she cleared her throat and looked at my younger brother, "So you must be my student. Are you also a genius like your older brother?" She asked.

I grinned, "He can use voiceless magic and also taught himself to read and speak by himself too." I bragged.

Her eyes, as well as Britts', widened, "Voiceless incantations?!" They shouted at the same time in alarm.

A nervous grin spread across the two and I could almost read their thoughts. These two are insane!

Roxy sighed, "We'll begin magic training tomorrow as well. But I really wanna see what this new power of yours can do!" She said, looking at me in excitement.

I looked back at my family and they nodded. We want to see too.

I nodded and walked off of the porch. "Let's go. I'll show you what my cursed energy is capable of." I said as I leaped several dozen feet into the air casually, front flipped a few times, and landed squarely on my feet about twenty yards away from them.

Such a casual level of superhuman ability without any reinforcement of any kind already surprised them, getting them even more interested in what I might be capable of.

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