Chapter 2: Discovering A New World

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I slowly opened my eyes and on instinct closed them right away. Ack! It's so bright!

Then I slowly opened them up again and the first thing I noticed was a man that I immediately recognized due to my past life's memories. Despite only knowing about 10% of the story, that was in light novel terms. That meant I knew everything until right after Turning Point 1. Everything else seemed to be... blocked off. Vacant even.

Regardless, I knew immediately who this admittedly handsome young lad was. Paul Greyrat... is he my father? Does that mean I was somehow reborn as Rudeus Greyrat? Shit... I don't want to be reincarnated as that disgusting lech.

Paul made a silly face as he said something that I... didn't understand. It did sound vaguely familiar, however. I was an expert in over 60 different languages across the globe in my past life, so I recognized a few conjugations and phrases that he seemed to be speaking. If I worked a little bit more on learning the language, maybe a day or two, possibly less, then I'd probably have the spoken language down pat.

I blinked at his attempts before looking up to my left and, to no surprise, I saw Zenith Greyrat looking down at me with a happy look in her eyes. When she spoke, I only caught one word, one that I knew to be my name, "Adam!"

I was immediately confused. These two were clearly Paul and Zenith Greyrat, the parents of Rudeus and Norn Greyrat. At least in the case of Paul, Aisha Greyrat as well. I opened my mouth and I continued looking blankly at the two, which seemed to make them both more anxious as time passed. Paul looked over his shoulder and seemed to be looking for the maid who must've helped with my delivery. But there was no one there.

Where's Lilia? What's going on?

I shook my head. Let's play the part of a newborn for now... it's been so long since I've taken care of a child.

I cried to the best of my ability and emulated it quite well, if I do say so myself. Which was enough to get my new parents to ease up. How bothersome.


A month has passed by and since then, I've discovered a few things. For one, Lilia got hired after my birth since their former caretaker bailed on them. For two, I went by the name of Adam Greyrat and was apparently the first and only child conceived so far. Which meant no Rudeus Greyrat, yet, and no Aisha or Norn Greyrat anytime soon.

I was the firstborn yet again. Another thing to note is that I was born without any mana or magic whatsoever. To the rest of this world, I was some strange anomaly.

Another thing to note was that my parents were worried about me since I was born with the "Magic Eyes" or "Demon Eyes", though no one knows what they are or what they do.

Except for me, that is. They were, of course, talking about my Six Eyes. They were incredible. I could even see perfectly how the mana and magic of this world worked by just looking at it. It also allowed me to peer into someone and see their abilities. It could do a lot more, but overall, these eyes were busted.

Of course, if I were a normal person, I'd be freaking out about my lack of mana and I would be whining about it greatly.

But I had something else to make up for it. My cursed energy and reverse cursed energy plus my multitude of cursed techniques. Unlike others who needed to chant to use magic, or the select few like my soon-to-be younger brother who had to picture the idea before using it, which still took time, I could heal both myself and others instantaneously with RCT. I could do incredible things that no one with magic could, in an instant and without relying on having to vocalize or think about how to construct it mentally.

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