Chapter 14

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Away from the hustle of the city life , in the nature’s lap , surrounded by tea and coffee plantations , with a waterfall flowing in the east was situated a simple yet peaceful cottage   ,  made with bamboo and bricks,  it's walls had the look of British era  and the green bamboo and willow trees surrounded it making the environment of the cottage more peaceful.  Infront of the same cottage stood a young couple holding each other's hands and looking at the cottage with lots of hope , admiration and adoration. 

" See I finally made our dream home baby,  did you like it ?"
asked the boy , now ,looking at the girl who had brown eyes and her waist length hairs were tied in a messy bun , but few strands of her hairs were continously kissing and dancing on her cheeks. 

" I love it , it's just exactly how we had thought for ,  I love you baby,  I love you so so soooo much , thank you, thank you thank you for this wonderful gift, nothing could be more precious to me than this." The girl said,  squealing with happiness . The boy just kept looking at her face with pure adoration,  his eyes showed the volume of love he held for her , the girl stopped squealing and looked at him , who was already looking at her with love and admiration,  her cheeks heated up and she quickly hid her face in his warm embrace,  trying to hide her blush.  He also caged her in his arms and they stayed like that for a while,  when suddenly, out of nowhere the girl started fading away from his embrace and disappeared completely within a moment. He became reckless,  shouting and screaming her name , he fall on his knees and his breathing started becoming uneven.

Rivan sat up with a jerk,  his breathings were uneven and sweat beads had formed on his forehead.  He shook his head and tried to forget the dream which he had seen.  Another nightmare,  he thought and looked at his side , to see , Sanvi wide awake,  looking at him with concern. 
" Are you okay? " She  asked,  to which he just nodded his head , unable to answer properly. 
" here have it , you may feel better. " Sanvi said passing him the water bottle which was kept on the side table . Rivan,  without any protest,  drank the water and took few deep breaths to calm  himself down.  He thanked Sanvi,  who was still looking him with concerned eyes , and again layed down,  signalling her the same. 
" Are you really okay,  do you need something,  should I keep the lamps switched on." Sanvi asked,  still sitting .
Her words, made him feel good,  as he liked her concerns and care for himself.  He passed her an assuring smile , and said " no it's okay,  just lay down,  no need to worry,  I'm fine and I'm sorry about that, you woke up because of  me ."

" It's okay,  don't be sorry,  it happens. " she replied,  laying back and switching off the lamp .

" Sanvi,  thanks for being there with me as my friend. And sorry too , for my morning's behaviour" Rivan said to her softly,  they both were facing each other.

" It's okay Rivan,  I understand that sometimes somethings are not meant to be the way we want them to be , I don't have any complaints from you , it's just that don't know why and how a small hope had grown in me , regarding us , bit then it's okay,  it's my problem,  none of your fault.  " Sanvi said , staring deep into his eyes and he felt a knot developing in his abdomen , seeing her beautiful eyes holding volumes of pain each reflecting the pieces of her shattered hopes.  He didn't like her to see like this , she was his friend,  she was his comfort,  even when he had behaved rudely with her , in the initial days of their marriage,  she had always taken care of him , she argued with him, fought with him but still cared for him , and she was the one who had broken the shell he had made around himself, from the past four years.
He had already made himself clear to her that he would give her everything she deserves,  but won't  be able to give her the love of a husband for the lifetime and at that time,  it felt like , even she didn't have any problem with it. But now , from past two months,  there was some change in her behaviour,  earlier she never had problems with him being only her friend ,  but now it wasn't the , same , something had changed,  she had changed,  their equation as just friends,  had changed,  but why , was it because she was falling for him,  has she started liking him , or maybe more ....,it means maybe....maybe she had started loving.  Oh God no ! This shouldn't happen,  it's wrong.  
Rivan became shocked upon his thoughts when he joined the dots and Sanvi's changed behaviour towards him . He looked horrified .
Musting up some courage,  he asked her  , who was still staring at his face , " Sanvi,  have you ....have you by any chance....started having....having some feel...feelings for me , some romantic feelings ? " He asked , being scared about her answer,  which he somwhere knew .

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