Chapter 6

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But to everyone's surprise, Aparna herself came downstairs, that too looking afresh as if nothing had happened, last night.
" good morning everyone. " she said in an unusual cheerful voice.
" are you okay  mom . " Rishan asked dropping his spoon.
" ofcourse I'm, shouldn't I be  ? " she said sitting and giving her son a look of mockery.
Rishan shifted uncomfortably on his chair , seeing the complete changed form of his mother, who was crying bitterly just the last night .
" no I didn't mean that, I was just a little bit, you know, surprised..... that's it " he said scratching his neck .
" it's fine Rishu , I'm your mother, I know it's astonishing for you and everyone else, to see me like this, but , son I have my own reason for being happy , afterall your younger brother got married and to add cherry on top, your father is coming tomorrow." Aparna said with a click in her voice.

Listening her words, Ruhan who was quietly eating his breakfast, raised his head and looked at his mother with blank eyes and then shook his head at her actions , it felt like she was going to be a typical Indian mother in law for Ahana, which she wasn't at all for the other three.

" but wasn't he going to come after this week, ? " Raghvendra Rajput, asked looking at his daughter in law with confusion.

" yes baba sa, he was , but he couldn't control himself from coming back as soon as possible, when he heard about his dearest youngest son's sudden wedding. " Aparna replied looking bitterly at Ahana and Ahana, well that poor meek girl just looked down and didn't dare to raise her head again.

Sensing the tension on the dinning table, Vidhi said something which drew everyone's attention towards her. " May I have your attention please because I have something to tell you all."

Everyone looked curiously at her,
" I have got a new proposal from SK CORPORATIONS to work with them as their chief legal advisor." Her face was beaming when she dropped the news.
This news lifted up everyone's mood , even Aparna's , who was really a very loving mother in law for all her daughter-in-laws except for the youngest one , well the situations weren't right and she had some deep  reasons for not liking Ahana. 

" wow , Vidhu , that's so great bachha , I'm so happy for you , when did you get to know about this.  " Aparna asked her with a gleaming face .
" I received their mail the last afternoon, Maa . " She replied
" and you didn't tell us before.  " Sanvi fake complained
" Ahh , well there was so much chaos yesterday,  I thought it wasn't right,  you know,  so ....." Vidhi said scratchin the back of her neck .
" when some people enter your life uninvited,  then chaos is bound to happen . " Aparna again taunted , while playing with her fork .
Ahana's eyes beamed with tears , as she kept her head bowed down , not wanting to show her tears to anyone,  because she knew her tears held no importance for anyone , or this as per what she had thought. She had known this from her childhood,  that her presence wasn't so important for others around her , her pain , her sufferings,  her tears , had never ever bothered anyone , and while growing up she had accepted this bitter reality of her life , and had never expected anyone to understand her , but then suddenly , one day , a stranger stepped into her life  in form of her saviour , he not only took stand for her , but also fought her demons , and saved her , but probably now even he was tired and had no more strength to fight for her , that's why he wasn't here , with her .

" I would have been happier if you would have joined at this post in our company,  but still congrats vidhi , and we are proud of you.  " Ruhan said with a small smile on his face .
" Thank you bhaiya,  but you know naa , I can't take that post in THE RAJPUT'S  , because I don't think that I'm that much capable right now , plus I don't want to be there just because I am a member of this family,  I wanna achieve it on my own,  and you already have so many capable people in your legal team . " She said the last line looking at her husband,  who just looked at her with blank eyes .
Ruhan on the other hand didn't say anything further and just patted her head gently.  While Vanika looked at her little sister  proudly,  who even after being such a capable lawyer hadn't ever been prideful about her success , she always had that wish you learn more and the ambition yo achieve more .

Soon after that , everyone finished their breakfasts and started leaving the dinning table. Aparna went back to her room and Yashodhara too went to her room . Ruhan went upstairs to his study room along with his grandfather.  Vanika left for her hospital,  as she had some surgeries to perform,  which couldn't be delayed,  but still she was tensed about Ahana and Reyansh. Only Sanvi , Rivan , Rishan and Vidhi were left there,,ofcourse with Ahana , who was still looking down as if a junior standing before her seniors who are ready to bully her .

Sanvi was going to call her when she felt a gripping on her wrist and looked at her side to find her husband already looking at her .
" What now? " She asked him slowly yet roughly.
" Don't meddle  with her too much , okay ?" Rivan said in a very low voice.
" and why so ?" Saanvi asked irritated
" because I'm saying so ." He replied
" You are no one to control me . " saying so she left the table and went upstairs to her room.
Rivan followed her behind. 
Rishan was drinking the last sips of his pomegranate juice when he got a phone call from some office employee and he too left from there .
Now only Vidhi and Ahana were there .
" how did you both get married? " Ahana lifted up her head to see Vidhi standing just before her , staring at her with blank eyes.


Hey everyone,  first of all sorry and secondly thanks to all , sorry for updating so late , and thanks for keeping patience and givingso much love even when i was inactive.  Being  a student it becomes very hectic to manage and update the story when there are exams , assignments,  exhibition , programs and different competitions lined up back to back one after the other,  that's why I got late in publishing the next part , but today I got free for a while so here we go with another chapter of this story. Please vote and share .....

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