Chapter 11

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Reyansh stood frozen as he saw the n number of bruises on her body.
Ahana was completely broken by now , she pointed on her bruises and said in a broken voice " this .....this is,  what I got for taking a stand for myself.  These bruises weren't only a punishment for me but they were also meant to be the reminder for me, which would remind me day and night,  that I  AM  NOT  SUPPOSED TO TAKE A STAND FOR  MYSELF , BECAUSE I AM NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE LIKE A NORMAL GIRL.  ALL I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO WAS TO WARM THE BEDS OF DIFFERENT MEN , AND I CAN DO THAT FOR YOU AS WELL,  BUT PLEASE , PLEASE Reyansh Ji , never accuse me of not taking a stand for myself. " She fall onto her knees,  crying badly,  and Reyansh just hugged her tightly,  and few drops of tears,  escaped from his eyes as well , as he tightly shut his eyes,  thinking about her miseries,  and whatever he had said to her in anger.

" I'm sorry Ahana , I'm really very sorry.  I didn't mean what I said,  I....I'm a big fool , I lose my senses  when I get angry , I'm sorry for saying all that too you . You know what,  you are a very brave girl, and I know that it won't be easy for you,  but please try to forget your past , try to forget about that place, because now you are free,  and safe,  as no one in this whole fucking world has the power to harm Mrs. Reyansh Rajput.  Now look at me . " He said cupping her cheeks and wiping away her tears . Ahana,  who now felt a little relieved,  stared at his handsome face innocently. 
He moved his face closer to her , and her heart started beating with speed of bullet train. 
" And remember that I don't get my bed warmed ,  instead I love to make love to my lady love . " He said in a husky voice,   his minty breath fanned her face , and her cheeks became red ,as she blushed furiously. They were busy in their little moment , when suddenly they heard loud bangings on the door . Both of them looked at each other with horror filled eyes . Realizing their position and Ahana's state, Reyansh quickly released her from his hold and signaled her to get inside the bathroom to get changed.  She nodded and and ran inside the bathroom with a fresh piece of suit , from the vibrant wardrobe, which Sanvi had arranged for her . Taking a deep breath,  Reyansh moved to open the door.


Silence. Silence was the only thing which was there in Reyansh's room , and the tension in the air was so thick,  that it could be cut with a knife.  Reyansh was standing in the middle,  once again with his head hanging low and his wife was looking at him helplessly,  while his eldest brother was sitting on the couch witha ice cold face, beside him was his wife who had her head in her hands was looking tensed as anything.  The twins were spread on the bean bags , both staring at their brother with cold eyes,  whereas their wives where sitting on the bed , Sanvi was still looking flabbergasted , while Vidhi looked zoned out .
" so you are saying that whatever you told downstairs was a complete lie . " Rishan said breaking the silence .
Reyansh just nodded his head in acceptance. 
" How could you do this, Rey ? You took such a big step and never told any of us about it , did you even thought about the consequences?" Vanika said , shaking her head with disbelief.  She was very tensed after she got free from the hospital,  all the way to home,  she was only thinking about Reyansh,  but as soon as she reached home,  she got the biggest shock of her life , when she heard about what all that had happened in her absence,  and also,  how her mother-in-law had accepted Ahana.  She felt relieved,  but it was short lived , when she thought about Reyansh's lies that he had told to the whole family and about the real identity of Ahana, which her husband had told her about. To add cherry on the top , they were to host a big fat reception party for them , guests would come from all over the country, what if any of them would recognise Ahana, what will they do then ?
" Bhabhi maa , I couldn't think of anything else at that moment,  I just wanted to save her, and marrying her was the only solution that I saw at that time. " Reyansh said kneeling down before her. 
" I know,  I have hurt you all a lot but , please try to understand  me , please. " He said looking at all his brothers and sister-in-laws .
" what is done can't be undone, so right now our main focus should be,  to clear up the mess that he has created.  " Ruhan stated in his usual authoritative voice. 

" so you mean,  we will now hide the truth from everyone?" Rivan questioned

" I think that's the sole reason why you had come to my room. " Ruhan answered with a straight face.


Ruhan was talking to someone on the phone when he heard a knock on his door .  Must be mom or Vani  , he thought to himself and opened the door,  only to be left surprised  by the person standing over there.  It was Rivan,  who once used to be his closest brother  , but now things had changed,  now they didn't talk to each other,  until it's too  important or urgent.

" you here ,what happened? " Ruhan asked  cutting the call.
" I need to Talk to you about something , ." Rivan replied.
" okay, come inside." He said moving aside,  giving him space to come in.

" what is it ?" Rivan questioned, staring at his brother's face keenly.

" huh , what are you talkingabout" Ruhan looked at him cluelessly

" you know you can't hide anything from me, you looked tensed downstairs,  even when mamma accepted Ahana, why so ?"

" can't tell you. " Ruhan replied curtly.

" and why so ?"

" can't tell you means I  can't tell you,  just don't ask me the reason.  "

" can you for once stop being so bossy , I want to know means I want to know.  " Rivan said ,irritated by his brother's behaviour .
Ruhan sighed and told him all about Ahana's real identity and how the things that Reyansh had said downstairs were a complete lie.
Rivan was shocked to his core. " This brat , how could he , O god , he has created such a great mess this time,  what if any of the elders get to know about this. " his head started hurting after knowing the truth.
" That's what I'm worried about." Ruhan again sighed.
" let's solve this thing together,  I'm gonna tell the other 3 about this , you too tell Vanika about it and we are together going to Rey's room . That's the only way we can deal with this " said Rivan

" she already knows and I think you are right,  now we have to handle it together. "

" yeah, so I'm leaving " saying this , Rivan started moving out when suddenly Ruhan's words made him frozen at his place.

" I thought you hated me Reev . "

" I can never Hate you bhai ,  not even if I want to,  and I still believe in our ' ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE 'motto .  "  saying so he left the room quickly,  while wiping away the tears which had gathered by hearing his brother calling him with the nick name ,he used to call him earlier.

And here Ruhan too was in the same condition, today when Rivan called Bhai  , he felt that how much he had craved to again hear this word from his mouth .

Flashback end


Heyyyy guyzzzzz , here's the new chapter?  . Read  & Enjoy . Please do vote , share and comment. In the next chapter you would get to know about Ahana's real identity, so are you excited for that
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