Chapter 4

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Ruhan was getting ready for his day , when suddenly his wife entered the room with stress lines on her face. He raised his eyebrow , looking at her , as if asking what happened.
" Did Rey call you? " she said with worry lacing in her words.

" No , and I think it's good for him that he didn't. " Ruhan said with a straight face, wearing his wrist watch.

" Could you for just once, stop being an asshole , Ruhan . " Vanika said irritated by his behavior.

Her words made him stop in his track and he looked pissed .
" Mind your tongue, Vanika Rajput." He said chewing his words
" And you mind your behaviour Ruhan Rajput." Vanika wasn't any less , she too snapped at him.

" How could you not care about your own brother, who hasn't been Home since last night . " She added

" So , so what,
what should I do huh ? I
didn't ask him to go anywhere or marry some random girl , that too without informing any of us , it was his decision to do so , and if he's mature enough to marry someone without his family'consent, then I don't think he needs anyone to worry about him . " Ruhan said in an emotion less tone .

" Look at you, here your brother is missing and you , you are spitting nonsense, he might have had his own reasons for what he did , and we all know how Rey is , agreed that he acts with bit immaturity at times, but he's that childish that he would marry anyone without any reason,so get a grip Ruhan and search for Rey , I'm worried about him ."

" what fucking reasons could he have for a marrying a pr....." Ruhan shouted slamming his hand on the dressing table, flinching Vani, but stopped in his track as if he remembered something.

" com... complete yo..your words Ruhan ." Vanika stuttered, getting an idea of what he was going to say the next .
" Nothing, you go , I'll ask Adam to track his location. " Ruhan said avoiding an eye contact with her and at the same time he tried his level best to control himself.

" No , don't try to divert the topic Ruhan and finish what you were saying regarding Ahana." She said firmly.
Ruhan sighed and moved towards the door of their room and closed it with a thud , making Vanika clueless.
He then faced her and said , " yes whatever you are thinking regarding that girl is true. Her complete name is Aahana Banerjee and she belongs to the red light area of Sonagachi , and I don't think I need to say anything more now . " he finished looking away.
While vanika stood there frozen trying to digest whatever her husband had told her just a moment ago .

" you know what Vanika, you think that I'm not worried about Reyansh, but that's not true, I'm as worried bout him as you are but I can't show it like you. Moreover I can't ignore the fact that if this thing comes out , then we would be in great trouble. Our family's respect and reputation may get stained, Our family will break vanika . " Ruhan said with a defeated tone and vanika stood there not knowing what to do and what to say, as she also knew that whatever her husband was saying was cent percent true.


" What the fuck , Vidhi are you out of your mind ? Seriously you burnt my shirt. I had to wear it today. " Rishan shouted when he saw his wife ironing cum burning his Navy blue shirt .

" So what , wear another one, it's not a big deal isn't it. " Vidhi said casually, giving him a wicked grin , which was anything but sweet.

" are you serious ? You just fucking burnt a shirt, that too intensionally, why ? " Rishan asked while coming close to her.

" ooops sorry for that hubby, but why are you getting so hyper over it , is it because it was a special gift to you from your OH SO SPECIAL FRIEND hmm ?" Vidhi asked with expressions of hatred purely reflecting on her face and in her voice as well.

" you know what, do whatever you want to do and think whatever you want to think, I don't give a damn , because you are sick. " He said and moved towards the walk-in closet to get a new shirt.

" Atleast I'm better than a cheater." She replied emotionlessly, which made Rishan stop in his tracks.
Listening to her words, he clenched and unclenched his teeth and said " How many times should I myself to you Vidhi , I'm tired of this now . " he said helplessly.
" But I'm not and trust i won't be till I make your life a living hell . And that's the sole reason for which I haven't still divorced you, you know that right. " she said gritting her teeth and then she stormed out of the room leaving a helpless Rishan in the room. Coming out she wiped the single drop of tear and again changed her expressions to neutral.
Hey guys here's the next chapter.
A Lil bit late , so sorry for that.
Anyways, hope you liked it
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