Chapter 5

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Sanvi was going downstairs after coming from Ahana's room , when suddenly she felt a tug on her left arm,  turning around , she found her husband looking at her with a straight face , devoid of any emotion , something which she had become very habitual of .
" you need something? " She asked him straightaway.
" We need to talk ."  Rivan replied looking at her face.
" about ? "
" about something,  which concerns both of us. "
" say "
" Not here  " He said and started pulling her towards their room ,  which was ahead of two rooms from Reyansh ' s.
" What's  so important that it can't wait ,even when there's already so much stress at home." She said once they reached their room , or more precisely his room , knowing that whatever her husband would say , would surely increase her stress level , afterall  tension,  stress and heartbreak were the three things which she had got from her husband and from their relation, since the day she had married him. Even though he never hurt her intensionally and never ever did he do something directly to make her tensed, but his actions always did , or it weren't even his actions which hurt her , they were her own feelings, which always made her crave for his closeness, even when she tried to control them, so he wasn't to be completely blamed for her distress , as he had already told her that he won't be able to give her what she had wished for - Love .
" you need to stop doing all this ." He said leaving her hand.
" stop doing what ?" Sanvi asked raising her eyebrow at him .
" stop doing my chores liking selecting my clothes,  setting my things at place , touching my cupboard and behaving like a typical wife,  when we both know the reality of our relation.  " Rivan said looking away , knowing that he sounded very rude but at the same time he justified himself thinking that it was necessary for him as well for,  as in order to save her from any kind of misconception and heartbreak , not knowing that his words and  actions had already done the deeds .

" Ok I won't , but you also need to stop helping me with my publisher ".  she said  refering to the indirect helps which Rivan used to provide her such as contacting investers and promoting her newly started publishing house among the renowned poets and authors , also proposing different established publishers to do collaboration with her publishing house, which she had very recently started. Although Sanvi herself was a well known author , but setting up a publishing house and taking it to higher limits was really a task for her , so Rivan used to help her without her knowledge, or atleast it was what he had assumed but the truth was that Sanvi very well knew about this, and it would be a lie to say that she wasn't happy bout it, because somewhere she felt delighted, as  it made her feel like he did care about her .
" you knew? " Rivan asked her with an accusing tone.
" yes "
" oh so you are and were doing all this to compensate me , isn't it? "
" I never said that, did I ever ? Can't friends help each other? "
"  Friends do help each other , agreed, It's only for your good, Sanvi , I don't want to break your heart cos I know that I won't be able to give you any of those rights which a wife has on her husband, I .... I can't give you that love , that's why I'm saying, don't get yourself too attached to me , because In  return , you'll only get pain and nothing else. " Rivan said looking helplessly and painfully at his wife, who looked at him with tearful eyes and equally painful face.
" why is it so difficult Rivan . " she finally said, staring deep into his soul .
" It is because it is . " He said looking away.


A dark room where a boy in his mid twenties was constantly looking at a portrait, which was of girl laughing at the camera. Suddenly someone came inside and switched on the lights of the room, bathing it in the brightness. The whole room was covered with the pictures and paintings of the same girl , in different angles, poses and locations.
" till when are you planning to act this madly , for this girl ? " that person asked the boy .
" till I get her in my arms. " he said looking at one of the pictures , with a smile on his face.
" Don't forget that she's married now." " Do you think that I care about it ."
" you don't but you should ."
" i don't care if she's married or not because she's mine from the moment I laid my eyes on her . " he said with a manic smile lingering on his face.
" what's so special about her huh," the other person asked huffing.
" She's special in herself Adi , you won't understand. " he said touching the photo on the nearby wall . And Adi just shook her head on his madness.

Slowly slowly everyone had gathered at the dinning table except the two members of Rajput household, one was Reyansh and the other one was Aparna , his mother.
" Vanika , bahu ( daughter in law) go and call Aparna from her room ."  Gayatri Devi, the grandmother of the Rajput heirs, said in her usual dominating voice , to which Vanika nodded and moved to call her mother in law.

Hey guys, here goes the next chapter of The Rajput Brides. If you liked it then please do vote and comment and share among your friends.
Any thoughts about Rivan and Sanvi , their interaction and what about the stalker boy and whom  do you think he's obsessed with?
Next chapter would be out soon in which you would get to see more entrainment, so stay tuned and till then byee.....

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