Chapter 13

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Rishan was reviewing some case files after coming back from Reyansh's room and his dear little wife , as he oftenly called her , was taking a late night shower. It was one of her peculiar habits to take a cold shower whenever she used to feel stressed.

Rishan's concentration was broken by the ringing of Vidhi's phone .
He wasn't a noisy person, especially when it came to her , so he remained unbothered by the rings .

But it felt as if the caller on the other end was a stubborn person as the phone continued to ring for several minutes. Giving a sigh , Rishan finally stood up from the couch and went towards the side table to answer the person at the other end , but his eyebrows creased as soon as he read the caller's name ,

Ehsaas Raghuvanshi , her new boss , and the vice chairman of the renowned SK CORPORATIONS , which was an American based company, but the owner the company, Mr . Swarnam Raghuvanshi was once a famous politician in the history of Rajasthan, who had reached at peaks of politics at a young age, but no one till date knows why he all of sudden left all his well built political carrier, behind and went to America, where he started his own company, the SK CORPORATIONS , which was now building it's forts in India as well, and was growing very fast , it won't be wrong to say that all the credit goes to Ehsaas Raghuvanshi, son of Swarnam Raghuvanshi , who was nothing but a workaholic just like his father.

But him calling Vidhi at this late , didn't go well with Rishan, he immediately picked up the call
" Ms. Rajput I think you shouldn't take so much time to answer to your boss' call , it can be something urgent. " came a deep voice from the other side , which madd Rishan clench his jaws, how the fuck this man could talk to his wife like that .
" And I don't think , it's appropriate to call your employee at this time , no matter how important it is . " Rishan replied gritting his teeth.

" who are you and where is Ms. Rajput " Asked Ehsaas in his heavy voice .

" Oh I forgot to introduce myself, It's Rishan Rajput, this side , Vidhi's husband, and as far as Vidhi's were bouts is concerned, so she's taking a rest as she's suffering from viral fever and arthritis, so I'm afraid she won't be able to join you at work for a few days . "

Rishan said cooking up a whole non existing story,  Why ?, well even he didn't know,  he just felt the urgency of keeping away his wife from her so called new boss who was calling her at this late , even if he could make her stay away from a little while only , it too would work for him.

" ohh OK ok I'm sorry for calling at this time,  actually there was something very urgent which needed Ms. Rajput's attention,  but never mind,  let her have a proper rest and convey my warmest wishes to her for a speedy recovery.  Goodnight" said Ehsaas

" Yeah sure , good night " saying so Rishan cut the call and mimicked Ehsaas , " speedy recovery,  huh  , speedy recovery my foot " . He turned around,  only to be left shocked by Vidhi's presence, who was glaring at him intensely.
" oh no shit, did she hear everything" Rishan thought to himself

" what are you doing with my phone " she asked folding her hands on her chest , but Rishan's eyes got stucked on Vidhi's cleavage,  which was looking a bit more prominent because of the spaghetti top , she was wearing. 
When Vidhi found him staring at her intensely,  she followed his gaze and her nose flared when she realised that her husband was shamelessly gazing at her cleavage . She immediately threw the wet towel , which she was holding,  at his face and shouted " you bloody pervert,  how dare you ?" Saying so she rushed inside the wardrobe and came back within few minutes changing into a black loose shirt which covered her completely.

" You know what , I can sue you for this, " she said huffing .

" For what? " He asked smirking
" For staring at me like a roadside cheapster" saying so Vidhi threw a cushion on his face, With full force, which Rishan catched on time .
" Well I don't think it's anyhow wrong to stare at your own wife,  that too if she's so beautiful and looks more sexy  after a bath" he said in his husky voice,  taking steps closer to her,  while Vidhi on the other hand,  was trying very hard not to blush at his words,  that too when his words were  creating sensations down in her lower abdomen and in somewhere else as well , where she didn't want.
She took steps backward when she saw him approaching her but it was too late,  as Rishan was standing just few inches away from her,  caging her between him and the closet door .

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