Chapter 39

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Hey everyone! Just one more chapter left before I finish up this book.

I've noticed you guys are not much interested in Krish and Meera's story, so I've decided not to pen it.

But don't worry! I'll be starting a new story after this one wraps up. Sneak peak is up on my Instagram page.

As for our beloved MaNan babies from Varanasi, this is their final adventure in this book.

Please show some love by voting and leaving in-line comments!

Your support means the world to me as an author.

Let's make the second last chapter count! ❤️✨


Nandini's determination to break the silence between them inadvertently turned into a bustling street feast outside the Sharma residence.

Sitting on the stairs, she watched her neighbours and family enjoying the food summoned by Manik, amidst the silent war that had engulfed their relationship.

"Bhabhi!" Meera's voice interrupted Nandini's thoughts as she approached with a disposable leaf plate filled with kachori and sabji. "Bhaiya hasn't eaten anything since he came back from rafting. Why don't you take this to him while we're all here having breakfast?"

Nandini understood the unspoken plea in Meera's words, a silent request to mend their fractured bond. Smiling gratefully at Meera, she accepted the plate and discreetly made her way to her in-law's house.

Inside, she found Manik on the veranda, stiffening at her presence. The tension between them was palpable, but Nandini pressed on, determined to bridge the gap.

"The feast is happening outside," Manik stated, his tone neutral as he focused on fastening his shoelace.

Taking a deep breath, Nandini sat beside him on the jute bed, her heart pounding with nerves. "Yet the one who arranged it is leaving without eating," she countered softly.

Manik heaved a sigh but remained silent, his gaze fixed elsewhere. Nandini tore off a morsel and held it out to him, her expression pleading for reconciliation.

"What would it take for you to be normal, Manik?" she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

"You are aware of it," he muttered, still avoiding her gaze as she swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words.

Finally, he turned to look at her, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of frustration and longing.

His gaze softened as he noticed the morsel in her hand, and he hesitated before reaching out to take it and guiding it to her mouth instead.

"I know you haven't eaten anything and were more focused on troubling me" he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Nandini's heart swelled with emotion as she watched him, the barriers between them starting to crumble.
With a flicker of hope, she realized that perhaps, amidst the chaos of their silent war, there was still a chance for them to find their way back to each other.

As they shared the breakfast, a heavy silence enveloped Manik and Nandini, despite the vulnerability in their hearts.

Finally, Manik broke the quiet, his words laden with tension "I might have to go to Chennai for three weeks starting next Sunday."

Nandini's brow furrowed slightly as she absorbed his words, her concern evident.

Manik elaborated further as he handed her medicine. "It's about the foreign trading deal I secured before your Gauna" he explained.

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