Chapter 6

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Being the day of the gauna, the Sharma's were all the more hyped, as well as overwhelmed and Nandini could see it better as she was being treated like unusual.

From performing worship with her grandfather Omprakash, to offering Prasad to her brother Aloke, Nandini could very well see how they were stiffly yet emotionally happy before her when they blessed her with prosperity.

Coming to her mother Neelam and bhabhi Sadhna, both the ladies didn't hesitated from pouring out there emotion before her. Warmly embracing Nandini in their arms, they shedded some happy tears with her.

However, there was one particular being who was sheer silent and grumpy since the day 1 of the preparation of his Nanhi's gauna.

Sitting far away on the jute bed in the veranda, his small hands cupping his chubby cheeks, Sloke kept his amber eyes on the movers who were taking Nandini's stuffs to her new abode where she will reside from now onwards.

By the word leaving, the little boy didn't knew his Nanhi's stuff are also going to shift. All he was thinking that his Nanhi is only going to stay there for a while and come back home.

But now that he is seeing the arrangements, his poor little heart can't digest the fact that his Nanhi is never going to stay with him like always.

Eyes swelling with tears, Sloke stayed watching everyone being chaotic and fanatic with the event of Gauna which was going to held at evening. However, he soon felt someone cocooning him warmly and needless to say who was it as he let only few people to embrace him.

Puckering his wobbly lips, he tried shrugging her off but all went in vain when she carried him off and sat him on her lap "Is my sweetie mad on his Nanhi?"

A fresh scowl settled up on his little forehead as he looked away only to be pulled back softly to make him look at her gentle affectionate smile "Are you really going to avoid your Nanhi? Won't you talk to me?"

Shaking his head vigorously, he heaved a pout "They are taking your stuff away."

Chuckling on the obviousness, Nandini nodded "Yes, they are."

"So you lied?" He countered with his small voice but deep scowl.

"I lied?" Eyes widening in wonder, Nandini smiled a bit "About what?"

"You lied you were going to stay with old man but you never mentioned that you were leaving this house forever." Accusing her timidly, Sloke puckered his lips again "I thought you were again going to leave for a little while just like the previous time. But then today I heard Baba and Maa talking that how old man's house is going to be your permanent resident from now onwards."

Eyes softening over his words, Nandini felt her eye brim while Sloke looked at her "You know what that means? From tomorrow I won't be able to see you the first thing in the morning. Nor you are going to make me get ready for the school. Neither you are going to be there when I come back home."

"You will not be there when Maa is going to punish me for my mischief, nor when Baba will forcefully make me sit for study. You won't be there when Dadu will try teaching me his Vedas nor you will be there when Dadi will try stuffing my mouth with more morsels."

Hearing him say all that, Nandini couldn't hold back but feel her eyes pouring the emotion that the little guy has knocked on. She was highly overwhelmed and emotional as she engulf him in her protection.

Even though she will be on the next door, the little guy wasn't wrong to exclaim what he stated that she won't be there valid always like she used to be.

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