Chapter 36

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The air was charged with an unspoken tension as his eyes remained fixed on her relaxed demeanour.

Anticipation bubbled gradually within him, fueled by the mystery of her conversation with Navya.

She hummed in response to Navya's words, her calm tone betraying none of the anticipation that now radiated through him.

"I'll see to it," she replied, the words slipping effortlessly from her lips.

His curiosity got the best of him, and he couldn't resist the urge to inquire, "What did she say?"

The snippet of conversation he overheard during her call with Navya didn't provide enough context to satisfy his curiosity.

Staring at his anticipated demeanour, her gaze dropped later, and she replied 

"We...might need to see the doctor," Nandini stammered, her voice quivering and slow.

Manik's eyes squinted in realization, and he ducked his face to read the overwhelmed expression on Nandini's face "Wh-what do you... Was it po-positive?"

"I... Navya said... the stick turned out positive a minute after we left her place," Nandini replied, her emotions caught in a whirlwind.

She didn't know whether to embrace the prospect of joy or succumb to the anxiety that accompanied the newfound hope.

As Manik got down from his bike, an inscrutable mix of emotions filled him. Nandini's eyes, laden with anticipation, locked onto his, contemplating whether to let the moment envelop them or to brace herself before the inevitable confirmation of a possible pregnancy.

Taking tentative steps toward her, Manik found it challenging to articulate the myriad emotions coursing through him. His palm extended toward Nandini, a silent reassurance that he was there for her. 

Gazing at his lady love with unwavering faith, his thumb caressing the back of her palm, Manik said, "We'll run a test for sure. And whatever the result may be, we'll gladly accept it."

At that moment, the air between them hung heavy with the unspoken promise of support and unity, a bond that transcended the uncertainty of the situation they found themselves in.

The next morning, after completing her worship and offering holy water to the goddess Tulsi, Nandini entered the kitchen, ready to begin the morning chores.

"Namaste, maa."

"May lord Shiva bless you." Sheetal, who was already in the kitchen, smiled affectionately before quering "Has Manik returned from his rafting?"

"Yes, Maa. He's freshening up. Will be downstairs in ten." Tucking the loose end of her pallu, Nandini commenced chopping cucumber and tomato. "I'm making sandwiches for Manik and Meera. Would you like to have it for breakfast, or shall I make something else for you?"

"Ah, no. Sandwiches are too bland for this old lady's taste bud, and I know you don't like them either. I'll just make some poha for both of us, mother and daughter," Sheetal joked, eliciting a chuckle from Nandini.

As Nandini continued with her task, Sheetal scanned the kitchen for flattened rice until she found it on the upper shelf of the cupboard. Sighing with a tight lip, Sheetal tiptoed to reach the container.

However, before she could, Nandini intervened, saying, "Let me get it for you, Maa."

Smiling generously, Sheetal stepped aside to heat the oil in the pan, while Nandini fetched a stool to stand on and reach the container.

MaNan ff: Tera Ban Gya ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें