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Meera knew she wouldn't be able to score much but failing in two consecutive papers wasn't something she ever imagined. She sat abruptly numb on one of the vacant benches on the ground. She wanted to be aloof and all by herself but Chitra and Vedansh, who were behind where she sat, didn't want her to be alone, at least not when they knew she was at her lowest.

"Tch, Meera. It's okay, girl." Chitra chirped despite receiving Vedansh denial gesture to stay shut but she completely ignored him "It wasn't even our semester. And you know these marks are not even going to be included in our results."

"Semester or not, I still wasn't supposed to score this low. Or even worst fail in two papers." Meera reasoned out with the forming lump into her throat as she blinked the tears in her eyes "Bhaiya is already so disappointed in me from that day for lying to him and even bhabhi has to listen because of me."

"What done is done, Meera. Don't let your one downfall hamper you. Rise over and do your best in the semesters." Vedansh consoled softly as both he and Chitra pitied her however Meera stayed looking down at her feet as she mumbled to herself "How would I match my sight with bhaiya?"

Seeing her so gloomily, Chitra and Vedansh decided to cheer her up by getting her some snacks from the canteen. Letting her take some lone time, they quietly left to go while Meera stayed oblivious of their absence "You know since I was born, bhaiya has taken care of me like his own child. Never made me be deprived of anything. Kept my needs above everything and never demanded anything in return."

Krish, who was passing by, halted as soon he heard his Miss Varanasi babbling on her own, which despite him knowing about her sadness over her results found her amusingly adorable. Strolling behind her, a soft frown sitting between his forehead covered with his tousled hair and his lips formed with a smile of lopsided, he ducked his head to listen to her self-babble.

"His entire life went on with him juggling with the world to keep our family protected. He has only offered but never asked for anything in return. But I, all I have given him is a disappointment. Whether be it in my childhood or now." She recalled how once in her childhood she went all rebellious to know about their father and backtalked him when all he was doing is protect her from their evil father.

She is such a sorry excuse for a sister.

Now that the cat is out of the hat, Krish couldn't help but smirk slightly in wonder "Are we discussing the great and popular alumni of the BHU, Manik Malhotra?"

Startled by the sudden unexpected voice of the last person she wanted to hear right now, Meera looked behind her to find Krish with the most annoying smile which irked her to the core however she composed herself not wanting to show him more of a vulnerable side and sighed turning away "Go away, Fatehputria. I don't have the patience to deal with you."

Grinning with playful eyes, he jumped over the bench to sit beside her taking Meera more or less attentive to the closeness between them. Scooting over to maintain a decent distance between them, much to his detest, Meera looked around to see where her friends has vanished without bothering to tell her.

"Your brother is still a quite of a talk in here. Always a step ahead in academics. Champion in sports. Ideal to professors. Dream of every girl on those days." He counted the praises on his fingers making Meera glance at his hand discreetly before he caught her gaze with a lazy smirk on his face "And here are you. Failed in two papers. Gross! Moreover, it, sulking over for split milk."

Losing her temper over his crude remarks, Meera accused "It's all because of you I couldn't do well. You tripped me, remember? And why are you even commenting on my mood? Me sulking over my bad marks or failed papers has nothing to do with you. So go away."

MaNan ff: Tera Ban Gya ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin